To send a request for a security token, the sample specifies username and password assertions to satisfy the security policy, creates a request token, and calls the Issue method. The following sequence shows these operations.


Create the STSService client-side object. This object provides access to vCenter Single Sign-On request objects and methods.


Specify the URL of the vCenter Single Sign-On server.


Create a SoapContext object for the security headers.


Specify username and password assertions to satisfy the security policy.


Provide a remote certificate validation callback. The sample version of this callback does not validate the certificate; it just returns a true value.


This is suitable for a development environment, but you should implement certificate validation for a production environment.


Create a token request (RequestSecurityTokenType) and set the token request fields:

Lifetime – Creation and expiration times.

Token type – urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion.

Request type –

Key type – (for holder-of-key token type).

Signature algorithm –

Renewable status.


Call the Issue method. The SSO server returns a response structure that contains the token.

The following example shows C# code that performs these operations.

public static XmlElement GetToken(String[] args)
  // 1. Create an SSO server client-side object
  service = new STSService();
  // 2. Set the SSO server URL
  service.Url = args[0];
  // 3. SOAP Request Context - Required to add secruity headers
  SoapContext requestContext = service.RequestSoapContext;
  // 4. Create a CustomSecurityAssertion object that specifies username and password
  CustomSecurityAssertion objCustomSecurityAssertion = new CustomSecurityAssertion();
  objCustomSecurityAssertion.Username = args[1].Trim();
  objCustomSecurityAssertion.Password = args[2].Trim();
  // Use the assertions to set the policy
  Policy policy = new Policy();
  // 5. Establish a validation callback for the token certificate
  ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
     new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateRemoteCertificate);
  // 6. Create a token request
  RequestSecurityTokenType tokenType = new RequestSecurityTokenType();
  // Specify the token type, request type, key type, and signature algorithm
  tokenType.TokenType = TokenTypeEnum.urnoasisnamestcSAML20assertion;
  tokenType.RequestType = RequestTypeEnum.httpdocsoasisopenorgwssxwstrust200512Issue;
  tokenType.KeyType = KeyTypeEnum.httpdocsoasisopenorgwssxwstrust200512PublicKey;
  tokenType.SignatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithmEnum.httpwwww3org200104xmldsigmorersasha256;
  // Set the token creation date/time
  LifetimeType lifetime = new LifetimeType();
  AttributedDateTime created = new AttributedDateTime();
  String createdDate =
     XmlConvert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc);
  created.Value = createdDate;
  lifetime.Created = created;
  // Set the token expiration time
  AttributedDateTime expires = new AttributedDateTime();
  TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(1, 10, 10);
  String expireDate =
     XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Add(duration), XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc);
  expires.Value = expireDate;
  lifetime.Expires = expires;
  tokenType.Lifetime = lifetime;
  RenewingType renewing = new RenewingType();
  renewing.Allow = true;
  renewing.OK = true;
  tokenType.Renewing = renewing;
  // 7. Call Issue
     RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType responseToken =
     RequestSecurityTokenResponseType rstResponse =
     return rstResponse.RequestedSecurityToken;
  catch (Exception ex)
     throw ex;

A vCenter Single Sign-On client provides a custom output filter for the custom security assertion. The CustomSecurityClientOutputFilter class provides three methods:

CustomSecurityClientOutputFilter constructor – Creates a token for the username and password. It also calls the GetSecurityToken method and creates a message signature for the security token.

SecureMessage – An override method for the .NET method SendSecurityFilter.SecureMessage. The override method adds tokens and the message signature to the .NET Security element.

GetSecurityToken – creates an X509 security token from a PFX certificate file. PFX is a Public-Key Cryptography Standard format that is used to store a private key and the corresponding X509 certificate.

The following code example shows the custom output filter for the custom security assertion.

internal class CustomSecurityClientOutputFilter : SendSecurityFilter
   UsernameToken userToken = null;
   X509SecurityToken signatureToken = null;
   MessageSignature sig = null;
   public CustomSecurityClientOutputFilter(CustomSecurityAssertion parentAssertion)
      : base(parentAssertion.ServiceActor, true)
      userToken = new UsernameToken(parentAssertion.Username.Trim(),
      signatureToken = GetSecurityToken();
      sig = new MessageSignature(signatureToken);
   ///  SecureMessage
   public override void SecureMessage(SoapEnvelope envelope, Security security)
   /// GetSecurityToken - creates the security token from certificate from pfx file
   internal static X509SecurityToken GetSecurityToken()
      X509Certificate2 certificateToBeAdded = new X509Certificate2();
      string certificateFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PfxCertificateFile"];
      certificateToBeAdded.Import(certificateFile, "", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
      return new X509SecurityToken(certificateToBeAdded);