Enum - VmFaultToleranceConfigIssueReasonForIssue(vim.fault.VmFaultToleranceConfigIssue.ReasonForIssue)

vSphere API 4.0

Enum Description

Enum Constants

cpuHvDisabled Host CPU is compatible for replay-based FT, but hardware virtualization has been disabled in the BIOS.

Since vSphere API 6.0
cpuHvUnsupported Host CPU does not support hardware virtualization

Since vSphere API 6.0
cpuHwmmuUnsupported Host CPU does not support hardware MMU virtualization

Since vSphere API 6.0
esxAgentVm The virtual machine is an ESX agent VM

Since vSphere API 5.0
ftSecondaryVm The virtual machine is a fault tolerance secondary virtual machine
ftUnsupportedHardware The host ftSupported flag is not set because of hardware issues
ftUnsupportedProduct The host ftSupported flag is not set because of it is a VMware Server 2.0
haNotEnabled HA is not enabled on the cluster
hasEFIFirmware The virtual machine firmware is of type EFI

Since vSphere API 6.0
hasLocalDisk The virtual machine has one or more disks on local datastore
hasNestedHVConfiguration The host does not support fault tolerant VM with nested HV or VBS enabled.

Since vSphere API 5.1
hasSnapshots The virtual machine has one or more snapshots

Since vSphere API 5.1
hasVFlashConfiguration The virtual machine has a vFlash memory device or/and disks with vFlash cache configured.

Since vSphere API 5.5
hostInactive The host is not active
insufficientBandwidth FT logging nic does not have desired bandwidth

Since vSphere API 6.0
missingFTLoggingNic FT logging nic is not configured on the host
missingVMotionNic No VMotion license or VMotion nic is not configured on the host
moreThanOneSecondary There is already a secondary virtual machine for the primary virtual machine
multipleVCPU The virtual machine has more than one virtual CPU
noConfig No configuration information is available for the virtual machine
recordReplayNotSupported The virtual machine does not support record/replay. Vm::Capability.RecordReplaySupported is false.
replayNotSupported It is not possible to turn on Fault Tolerance on this powered-on VM. The support for record/replay should be enabled or Fault Tolerance turned on, when this VM is powered off.
templateVm The virtual machine is a template
thinDisk The virtual machine has thin provisioned disks
tooManyVCPUs The host does not support fault tolerance virtual machines with the specified number of virtual CPUs.

Since vSphere API 6.7
tooMuchMemory The host does not support fault tolerance virtual machines with the specified amount of memory.

Since vSphere API 6.7
unsupportedPMemHAFailOver Virtual Machine with Pmem HA Failover is not supported

Since vSphere API
unsupportedProduct VMware product installed on the host does not support fault tolerance

Since vSphere API 6.0
verifySSLCertificateFlagNotSet The "check host certificate" flag is not set
video3dEnabled The virtual machine video device has 3D enabled

Since vSphere API 5.0

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