Name | Description |
cpuHvDisabled |
Host CPU is compatible for replay-based FT, but hardware
virtualization has been disabled in the BIOS.
Since vSphere API 6.0
cpuHvUnsupported |
Host CPU does not support hardware virtualization
Since vSphere API 6.0
cpuHwmmuUnsupported |
Host CPU does not support hardware MMU virtualization
Since vSphere API 6.0
esxAgentVm |
The virtual machine is an ESX agent VM
Since vSphere API 5.0
ftSecondaryVm |
The virtual machine is a fault tolerance secondary virtual machine
ftUnsupportedHardware |
The host ftSupported flag is not set because of hardware issues
ftUnsupportedProduct |
The host ftSupported flag is not set because of it is a
VMware Server 2.0
haNotEnabled |
HA is not enabled on the cluster
hasEFIFirmware |
The virtual machine firmware is of type EFI
Since vSphere API 6.0
hasLocalDisk |
The virtual machine has one or more disks on local datastore
hasNestedHVConfiguration |
The host does not support fault tolerant VM with nested HV or VBS
Since vSphere API 5.1
hasSnapshots |
The virtual machine has one or more snapshots
hasUnsupportedDisk |
Since vSphere API 5.1
hasVFlashConfiguration |
The virtual machine has a vFlash memory device or/and disks with
vFlash cache configured.
Since vSphere API 5.5
hostInactive |
The host is not active
insufficientBandwidth |
FT logging nic does not have desired bandwidth
Since vSphere API 6.0
missingFTLoggingNic |
FT logging nic is not configured on the host
missingVMotionNic |
No VMotion license or VMotion nic is not configured on the host
moreThanOneSecondary |
There is already a secondary virtual machine for the primary
virtual machine
multipleVCPU |
The virtual machine has more than one virtual CPU
noConfig |
No configuration information is available for the virtual machine
recordReplayNotSupported |
The virtual machine does not support record/replay.
Vm::Capability.RecordReplaySupported is false.
replayNotSupported |
It is not possible to turn on Fault Tolerance on this powered-on VM.
The support for record/replay should be enabled or Fault Tolerance
turned on, when this VM is powered off.
templateVm |
The virtual machine is a template
thinDisk |
The virtual machine has thin provisioned disks
tooManyVCPUs |
The host does not support fault tolerance virtual machines
with the specified number of virtual CPUs.
Since vSphere API 6.7
tooMuchMemory |
The host does not support fault tolerance virtual machines
with the specified amount of memory.
Since vSphere API 6.7
unsupportedPMemHAFailOver |
Virtual Machine with Pmem HA Failover is not supported
Since vSphere API
unsupportedProduct |
VMware product installed on the host does not support
fault tolerance
Since vSphere API 6.0
verifySSLCertificateFlagNotSet |
The "check host certificate" flag is not set
video3dEnabled |
The virtual machine video device has 3D enabled
Since vSphere API 5.0