System Administration > Configuration > NSX Managers > API Services > API Request Batching

Register a Collection of API Calls at a Single End Point (Deprecated)

Enables you to make multiple API requests using a single request. The batch
API takes in an array of logical HTTP requests represented as JSON arrays.
Each request has a method (GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE), a relative_url (the
portion of the URL after https://<nsx-mgr>/api/), optional headers
array (corresponding to HTTP headers) and an optional body (for POST and PUT
requests). The batch API returns an array of logical HTTP responses
represented as JSON arrays. Each response has a status code, an optional
headers array and an optional body (which is a JSON-encoded string).
The batch API is not supported for any of the policy multi-tenancy related
APIs. The multi-tenancy APIs start with the path
This API is deprecated. Instead, use the hierarchical API in the NSX-T
policy API.
Deprecated: Support for batched operations will be removed from a future NSX release. For policy APIs, use the hierarchical API to submit a set of updates as a single operation. For other APIs, submit the operations as individual REST API calls.


URI Path(s):
Request Headers:
Query Parameters:
Request Body:

Example Request:

POST https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/batch { "requests":[ { "method":"POST", "uri":"/v1/switching-profiles", "body": { "resource_type": "SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile", "display_name": "spoof-guard-lswitch-bindings", "white_list_providers": ["LSWITCH_BINDINGS"] } }, { "method":"GET", "uri":"/v1/switching-profiles" } ] }

Successful Response:

Response Code:
200 OK
Response Headers:
Content-type: application/json
Response Body:

Example Response:

{ "results": [ { "body": { "_revision": 0, "id": "9e6e5375-d7d9-48b4-9118-b1121757f1e3", "display_name": "custom1-qos-switching-profile", "code": 201, "body": { "resource_type": "SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile", "id": "02d866d7-495c-47f4-b945-61a8559219b9", "display_name": "spoof-guard-lswitch-bindings", "white_list_providers": [ "LSWITCH_BINDINGS" ], "_last_modified_time": 1458772318447, "_create_time": 1458772318447, "_last_modified_user": "admin", "_system_owned": false, "_create_user": "admin", "_revision": 0 } }, { "code": 200, "body": { "cursor": "00361b53de57-0313-4f3d-b494-635c58b1d986spoof-guard-lswitch-bindings", "result_count": 4, "results": [ { "_revision": 0, "id": "9e6e5375-d7d9-48b4-9118-b1121757f1e3", "display_name": "custom1-qos-switching-profile", "resource_type": "QosSwitchingProfile", "description": "", "id": "7f39bf67-ccf5-4613-8993-506ec89d893a", "display_name": "TT", "tags": [], "dscp": { "mode": "TRUSTED", "priority": 0 }, "shaper_configuration": [ { "resource_type": "IngressRateShaper", "enabled": false, "average_bandwidth_mbps": 0, "peak_bandwidth_mbps": 0, "burst_size_bytes": 0 }, { "resource_type": "IngressBroadcastRateShaper", "enabled": false, "burst_size_bytes": 0, "peak_bandwidth_kbps": 0, "average_bandwidth_kbps": 0 }, { "resource_type": "EgressRateShaper", "enabled": false, "average_bandwidth_mbps": 0, "peak_bandwidth_mbps": 0, "burst_size_bytes": 0 } ], "class_of_service": 2, "_last_modified_time": 1457999948761, "_create_time": 1457999948761, "_last_modified_user": "admin", "_system_owned": false, "_create_user": "admin", "_last_modified_user": "admin" }, "code": 201 }, { "body": { "result_count": 9, "results": [ { "resource_type": "IpfixSwitchingProfile", "_revision": 0, "id": "cb317635-939b-430a-ae50-005fc4c6ac14", "display_name": "nsx-default-ipfix-global-profile", "enabled": false, "_last_modified_time": 1413324646801, "_create_time": 1413324646801, "_create_user": "system", "_last_modified_user": "system" }, { "resource_type": "QosSwitchingProfile", "_revision": 0, "id": "9e6e5375-d7d9-48b4-9118-b1121757f1e3", "display_name": "custom1-qos-switching-profile", "system_defined": false, "dscp": { "priority": 1, "mode": "UNTRUSTED" }, "burst_size": 20, "class_of_service": 1, "peak_bandwidth": 400, "average_bandwidth": 200, "_last_modified_time": 1413349096169, "_create_time": 1413349096169, "_create_user": "admin", "_last_modified_user": "admin" }, { "resource_type": "IpDiscoverySwitchingProfile", "_revision": 0, "id": "64814784-7896-3901-9741-badeff705639", "display_name": "nsx-default-ip-discovery-overlay-profile", "system_defined": true, "arp_snooping_enabled": true, "dhcp_snooping_enabled": true, "_last_modified_time": 1413324646789, "_create_time": 1413324646789, "_create_user": "system", "_last_modified_user": "system" }, { "resource_type": "IpDiscoverySwitchingProfile", "_revision": 0, "id": "64814874-6987-1093-1479-badeff705639", "display_name": "nsx-default-ip-discovery-vlan-profile", "system_defined": true, "arp_snooping_enabled": false, "dhcp_snooping_enabled": false, "_last_modified_time": 1413324646800, "_create_time": 1413324646800, "_create_user": "system", "_last_modified_user": "system" }, { "resource_type": "QosSwitchingProfile", "_revision": 0, "id": "f313290b-eba8-4262-bd93-fab5026e9495", "display_name": "nsx-default-qos-switching-profile", "system_defined": true, "dscp": { "priority": 0, "mode": "TRUSTED" }, "burst_size": 0, "class_of_service": 0, "peak_bandwidth": 0, "average_bandwidth": 0, "_last_modified_time": 1413324646729, "_create_time": 1413324646729, "_create_user": "system", "_last_modified_user": "system" }, { "resource_type": "PortMirroringSwitchingProfile", "_revision": 1, "id": "93b4b7e8-f116-415d-a50c-3364611b5d09", "display_name": "nsx-default-port-mirroring-profile", "system_defined": false, "direction": "INGRESS", "_last_modified_time": 1413345541673, "_create_time": 1413324646767, "_create_user": "system", "_last_modified_user": "admin" } ] }, "code": 200 "_revision": 0 }, { "resource_type": "SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile", "id": "ff45644f-9dda-4970-b1e3-30ac11ff0582", "display_name": "spoof-guard-lswitch-bindings", "white_list_providers": [ "LSWITCH_BINDINGS" ], "_last_modified_time": 1458754361177, "_create_time": 1458754361177, "_last_modified_user": "admin", "_system_owned": false, "_create_user": "admin", "_revision": 0 }, { "resource_type": "SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile", "id": "02d866d7-495c-47f4-b945-61a8559219b9", "display_name": "spoof-guard-lswitch-bindings", "white_list_providers": [ "LSWITCH_BINDINGS" ], "_last_modified_time": 1458772318447, "_create_time": 1458772318447, "_last_modified_user": "admin", "_system_owned": false, "_create_user": "admin", "_revision": 0 }, { "resource_type": "SpoofGuardSwitchingProfile", "id": "1b53de57-0313-4f3d-b494-635c58b1d986", "display_name": "spoof-guard-lswitch-bindings", "white_list_providers": [ "LSWITCH_BINDINGS" ], "_last_modified_time": 1458754382102, "_create_time": 1458754382102, "_last_modified_user": "admin", "_system_owned": false, "_create_user": "admin", "_revision": 0 } ] } }

Required Permissions:




Additional Errors: