{ "id": "ClusterNodeInfo", "module_id": "ClusterManagement", "properties": { "api_listen_addr": { "$ref": "ServiceEndpoint, "readonly": true, "title": "The IP and port for the public API service on this node" }, "appliance_connection_info": { "$ref": "ServiceEndpoint, "readonly": true, "title": "The IP, port and certificate for connecting to appliance." }, "certificates": { "items": { "$ref": "NodeCertificateInfo }, "title": "Certificate and thumbprint of all entities", "type": "array" }, "control_plane_listen_addr": { "$ref": "ServiceEndpoint, "readonly": true, "title": "The IP and port for the control plane service on this node" }, "display_name": { "title": "The display name of this node", "type": "string" }, "entities": { "items": { "$ref": "NodeEntityInfo }, "title": "Service endpoint of all entities", "type": "array" }, "fqdn": { "title": "The fqdn of this node", "type": "string" }, "msg_clients": { "items": { "$ref": "NodeMessagingClientInfo }, "title": "Messaging client of all entities", "type": "array" }, "node_uuid": { "readonly": true, "required": true, "title": "Unique identifier of this node", "type": "string" }, "status": { "enum": [ "JOINING", "JOINED", "REMOVING", "REMOVED" ], "readonly": true, "required": true, "title": "Node clustering status", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }