{ "additionalProperties": false, "extends": { "$ref": "ListRequestParameters }, "id": "ComputeCollectionListRequestParameters", "module_id": "InventoryCmObj", "properties": { "cm_local_id": { "required": false, "title": "Local Id of the compute collection in the Compute Manager", "type": "string" }, "cursor": { "readonly": false, "title": "Opaque cursor to be used for getting next page of records (supplied by current result page)", "type": "string" }, "discovered_node_id": { "required": false, "title": "Id of the discovered node which belongs to this Compute Collection\n", "type": "string" }, "display_name": { "required": false, "title": "Name of the ComputeCollection in source compute manager", "type": "string" }, "external_id": { "required": false, "title": "External ID of the ComputeCollection in the source Compute manager,\ne.g. mo-ref in VC\n", "type": "string" }, "included_fields": { "description": "Note - this parameter currently only works when used with the search APIs /policy/api/v1/search/query and /policy/api/v1/search/dsl. It is ignored for other list APIs.", "title": "Comma separated list of fields that should be included in query result", "type": "string" }, "node_id": { "required": false, "title": "Id of the fabric node created from a discovered node belonging to\nthis Compute Collection\n", "type": "string" }, "origin_id": { "required": false, "title": "Id of the compute manager from where this Compute Collection was discovered", "type": "string" }, "origin_type": { "required": false, "title": "ComputeCollection type like VC_Cluster. Here the Compute Manager\ntype prefix would help in differentiating similar named Compute\nCollection types from different Compute Managers\n", "type": "string" }, "owner_id": { "required": false, "title": "Id of the owner of compute collection in the Compute Manager", "type": "string" }, "page_size": { "default": 1000, "maximum": 1000, "minimum": 0, "title": "Maximum number of results to return in this page (server may return fewer)", "type": "integer" }, "sort_ascending": { "type": "boolean" }, "sort_by": { "title": "Field by which records are sorted", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Compute Collection list parameters", "type": "object" }