{ "id": "ControlConnStatus", "module_id": "FabricNode", "properties": { "control_node_ip": { "readonly": true, "required": true, "title": "IP address of the control Node.", "type": "string" }, "failure_status": { "enum": [ "CONNECTION_REFUSED", "INCOMPLETE_HOST_CERT", "INCOMPLETE_CONTROLLER_CERT", "CONTROLLER_REJECTED_HOST_CERT", "HOST_REJECTED_CONTROLLER_CERT", "KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT", "OTHER_SSL_ERROR", "OTHER_ERROR" ], "help_detail": "CONNECTION_REFUSED \"Connection refused by control node\"\nINCOMPLETE_HOST_CERT \"Incomplete host certificate\"\nINCOMPLETE_CONTROLLER_CERT \"Incomplete controller certificate\"\nCONTROLLER_REJECTED_HOST_CERT \"Controller rejected host certificate\"\nHOST_REJECTED_CONTROLLER_CERT \"Host rejected controller certificate\"\nKEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT \"Keep alive timeout\"\nOTHER_SSL_ERROR \"Other ssl error\"\nOTHER_ERROR \"Other error\".\n", "readonly": true, "required": false, "title": "Failure status of the control Node for e.g CONNECTION_REFUSED,INCOMPLETE_HOST_CERT.", "type": "string" }, "status": { "enum": [ "UP", "DOWN" ], "help_detail": "UP \"Control node is up\"\nDown \"Control node is down\".\n", "readonly": true, "required": true, "title": "Status of the control Node for e.g UP, DOWN.", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }