{ "description": "Represents details of the config flow between sites. Federation has the following flows - Global Manager to Local Manager (GM -> LM) - Local Manager to Glocal Manager (LM -> GM) - Global Manager Active to Glocal Manager Standby (GM -> GM) - Local Manager to Local Manager (LM -> LM)", "id": "CrossSiteFlowInfo", "module_id": "FederationObservability", "properties": { "from_site_id": { "read_only": true, "title": "Site id of the source", "type": "string" }, "from_site_path": { "read_only": true, "title": "Source site policy path", "type": "string" }, "full_sync_info": { "$ref": "FullSyncInfo, "read_only": true, "title": "Full sync information for the flow" }, "latency_measured_ts": { "read_only": true, "title": "Timestamp of latency measurement", "type": "integer" }, "latency_millis": { "read_only": true, "title": "Latency from source to destination site in milli seconds", "type": "integer" }, "leader_node_id": { "read_only": true, "title": "Local leader node id sharded for this remote site.", "type": "string" }, "status": { "enum": [ "GOOD", "DISCONNECTED", "RECOVERY", "ERROR", "UNKNOWN", "NOT_READY" ], "read_only": true, "title": "Overall status of the flow", "type": "string" }, "to_site_id": { "read_only": true, "title": "Site id of the destination", "type": "string" }, "to_site_path": { "read_only": true, "title": "Destination site policy path", "type": "string" } }, "title": "Information about config flow in federation", "type": "object" }