FederationQueueInfo (type)

  "description": "Provides insights into details of a specific queue in the flows. For example Global Manager to Local Manager flow, there is a queue on the Global Manager for sending and a queue on Local Manager for receiving.", 
  "id": "FederationQueueInfo", 
  "module_id": "FederationObservability", 
  "properties": {
    "current_size": {
      "read_only": true, 
      "title": "Number of messages in the queue", 
      "type": "integer"
    "max_size": {
      "read_only": true, 
      "title": "Maixmum capacity of the queue", 
      "type": "integer"
    "name": {
      "read_only": true, 
      "title": "Queue name", 
      "type": "string"
    "namespace": {
      "description": "Every persistent queue has name and namespace. For more debugging like dumping queue, namespace is needed.", 
      "read_only": true, 
      "title": "Queue namespace", 
      "type": "string"
    "type": {
      "enum": [
      "read_only": true, 
      "title": "Queue type - sender or receiver side", 
      "type": "string"
  "title": "Details about a specific queue in the flow", 
  "type": "object"