LiveTracePacketGranularActionConfig (type)

  "additionalProperties": false, 
  "id": "LiveTracePacketGranularActionConfig", 
  "module_id": "PolicyConnectivity", 
  "properties": {
    "dest_ipsec_vpn_config": {
      "$ref": "PolicyLiveTraceIpsecVpnConfig, 
      "description": "It is required only when the trace type is bidirectional. Multiple bi-directional actions in a livetrace session should have the same IPSec VPN config specified for the reverse direction.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "IPSec VPN configuration for the reverse direction of a livetrace session."
    "dest_port_path": {
      "description": "Policy path of logical port for the reverse direction of a livetrace session. It is required only when the trace type is bidirectional. Multiple bi-directional actions in a livetrace session should have the same port specified for the reverse direction.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Policy path of logical port", 
      "type": "string"
    "reverse_filter": {
      "$ref": "LiveTraceFilterData, 
      "description": "Filter for flows of interest at the reverse direction. It takes effect only when the trace type is bidirectional. Multiple bi-directional actions in a livetrace session should have the same filter specified for the reverse direction.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Packet filter"
    "sampling": {
      "$ref": "LiveTraceSamplingConfig, 
      "description": "Sampling parameter for the action. Trace action, packet capture action, and datapath statistics action only support first-N sampling. Count action will sample all packets that match the filter criteria, so there is no need to provide sampling for count action.", 
      "required": false, 
      "title": "Sampling parameter for the action"
    "trace_type": {
      "enum": [
      "required": true, 
      "title": "Type of trace", 
      "type": "string"
  "title": "Configuration of livetrace packet granular action", 
  "type": "object"