{ "additionalProperties": false, "extends": { "$ref": "Resource }, "id": "MPAConfigProperties", "properties": { "AccountName": { "description": "The account name to use when authenticating to the management plane's message bus.", "readonly": false, "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "RmqBrokerCluster": { "description": "The list of messaging brokers this controller is configured with.", "items": { "$ref": "BrokerProperties }, "type": "array" }, "RmqClientType": { "description": "The nodes client type.", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "SharedSecret": { "description": "The shared secret to use when autnenticating to the management plane's message bus. Not returned in REST responses.", "sensitive": true, "type": "string" }, "_links": { "description": "The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.", "items": { "$ref": "ResourceLink }, "readonly": true, "title": "References related to this resource", "type": "array" }, "_schema": { "readonly": true, "title": "Schema for this resource", "type": "string" }, "_self": { "$ref": "SelfResourceLink, "readonly": true, "title": "Link to this resource" } }, "title": "Information about the management plane this node is communciating with", "type": "object" }