ALBControllerConfiguration (schema)


Alb Controller config details
Name Description Type Notes
cluster_ip Cluster IP of Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster

The cluster IP of the Advanced Load Balancer controller node cluster. This is mandatory parameter and
required for single node controller deployments as well.
IPAddress Required
dns_servers DNS servers.

List of DNS servers.
array of IPv4Address
infra_admin_password Advanced Load Balancer controller admin password

Password for the controller node admin user. For deployment,
this property is required.
The password specified must be at least 8 characters in length.
secure_string Required
infra_admin_username Username

Username for server authentication.
secure_string Required
ntp_servers NTP servers.

List of NTP servers.
array of HostnameOrIPv4Address
owned_by owned_by

OnBoarding workflow initiates by VCF/Others.
string Required
Enum: LCM, VCF