CpuStats (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
core core id

CPU id
string Readonly
cpu_type cpu type

cpu type, one of datapath_core, controlpath_core and service_core
string Readonly
Enum: datapath_core, controlpath_core, service_core
Default: "controlpath_core"
crypto CPU crypto usage

CPU crypto usage(pps)
string Readonly
intercore CPU intercore usage

CPU intercore usage(pps)
string Readonly
kni CPU kni usage

CPU kni usage(pps)
string Readonly
mega_flowcachestats Flow cache stats

Mega Flow cache statistics. All flow cache stats would be reset on Datapath restart.
FlowCacheStatistics Readonly
micro_flowcachestats Flow cache stats

Micro Flow cache statistics. All flow cache stats would be reset on Datapath restart.
FlowCacheStatistics Readonly
packet_processing_usage Datapath CPU packet processing usage

Datapath CPU packet processing usage(%)
string Readonly
rx CPU rx usage

CPU rx usage(pps)
string Readonly
slowpath CPU slowpath usage

CPU slowpath usage(pps)
string Readonly
tx CPU tx usage

CPU tx usage(pps)
string Readonly
usage CPU usage

CPU usage(%)
string Readonly