LacpGroupConfigInfo (schema)

Name Description Type Notes
key The generated key as the identifier for the group

The key represents the identifier for the group that is unique
across VC.
load_balance_algorithm Load balance policy

Load balance algorithm used in LACP group. The possible values
are dictated by the values available in VC. Please refer
VMwareDvsLacpLoadBalanceAlgorithm documentation for a full list
of values. A few examples are srcDestIp where source and destination
IP are considered, srcIp where only source IP is considered.
mode The mode of Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)

The mode of LACP can be ACTIVE or PASSIVE. If the mode is ACTIVE, LACP
is enabled unconditionally. If the mode is PASSIVE, LACP is enabled
only if LACP device is detected.
string Enum: ACTIVE, PASSIVE
name The display name

The display name of the LACP group.
timeout_type LACP timeout mode

To set the lag mode as fast for LACP. By default, it will be slow.
string Enum: FAST, SLOW
Default: "SLOW"
uplink_names Uplink names

Names for the uplink ports in the group.
array of string
uplink_num The number of uplink ports integer
uplink_port_keys Keys for the uplink ports

Keys for the uplink ports in the group. Each uplink port is
assigned a key that is unique across VC.
array of string