NodeInterfaceStatisticsProperties (schema)

Node network interface statistic properties

Name Description Type Notes
_links References related to this resource

The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.
array of ResourceLink Readonly
_schema Schema for this resource string Readonly
_self Link to this resource SelfResourceLink Readonly
interface_id Interface ID string
rx_bytes Total bytes received since the uptime integer
rx_drop_no_match Total packets dropped due to lookup failures since the uptime

Total packets dropped due to lookup failures since the uptime. Available only for Edge Transport Node.
rx_dropped Total packets dropped since the uptime integer
rx_errors Total receive error packets since the uptime integer
rx_frame Total framing error packets since the uptime

Total framing error packets since the uptime. Available only for Host Transport Node.
rx_misses Total packets missed while receive since the uptime

Total packets missed while receive since the uptime. Available only for Edge Transport Node.
rx_nombufs Total packets dropped due to MBUF Alloc failures since the uptime

Total packets dropped due to MBUF Alloc failures since the uptime. Available only for Edge Transport Node.
rx_packets Total packets received since the uptime integer
source Source of status data. DataSourceType
tx_bytes Total bytes transmitted since the uptime integer
tx_carrier Total packets for carrier losses detected on transmit

Total packets for carrier losses detected on transmit. Available only for Host Transport Node.
tx_colls Total packets for collisions detected on transmit

Total packets for collisions detected on transmit. Available only for Host Transport Node.
tx_dropped Total packets dropped on transmit since the uptime integer
tx_drops Total packets dropped on transmit since the uptime

Total packets dropped on transmit since the uptime. Available only for Edge Transport Node.
tx_errors Total packets for transmit errors since the uptime integer
tx_packets Total packets transmitted since the uptime integer