NodeStatusProperties (schema)

Node status properties

Name Description Type Notes
_links References related to this resource

The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.
array of ResourceLink Readonly
_schema Schema for this resource string Readonly
_self Link to this resource SelfResourceLink Readonly
cpu_cores Number of CPU cores on the system integer Readonly
cpu_sockets Number of CPU sockets on the system integer Readonly
cpu_usage CPU usage of DPDK and non-DPDK core groups

Highest and average usage of DPDK and non-DPDK core of Edge Node.
CpuUsage Readonly
disk_space_total Amount of disk space available on the system, in kilobytes

Amount of disk space available on the system, in kilobytes.
integer Readonly
disk_space_used Amount of disk space in use on the system, in kilobytes integer Readonly
dpdk_cpu_cores Number of DPDK CPU cores on the system

Number of DPDK cores on Edge Node which are used for packet IO processing.
integer Readonly
dpus Data processing units on the system array of DpuStatusProperties Readonly
edge_mem_usage Memory usage of edge node

Point in time usage of system, datapath, swap and cache memory in edge node. Valid only for Edge transport node.
EdgeTransportNodeMemoryUsage Readonly
file_systems File systems configured on the system array of NodeFileSystemProperties Readonly
hostname Host name of the system string Readonly
load_average One, five, and fifteen minute load averages for the system array of number Readonly
mem_cache Amount of RAM on the system that can be flushed out to disk, in kilobytes integer Readonly
mem_total Amount of RAM allocated to the system, in kilobytes integer Readonly
mem_used Amount of RAM in use on the system, in kilobytes integer Readonly
non_dpdk_cpu_cores Number of non-DPDK CPU cores on the system

Number of non-DPDK cores on Edge Node.
integer Readonly
source Source of status data. DataSourceType Readonly
swap_total Amount of disk available for swap, in kilobytes integer Readonly
swap_used Amount of swap disk in use, in kilobytes integer Readonly
system_time Current time expressed in milliseconds since epoch EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
uptime Milliseconds since system start integer Readonly