Data Object - CertificateSSOConnectorHealthEnrollmentServerDomainHealthData

Property of
See also
Horizon 7.0

Data Object Description

The health data for a CertSSO connector domain.

Data Object Properties


Name Type Description

The id of the domain.

The DNS name of the domain.

The state of the domain health, taken as the most severe reported by one of the enrollment servers.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "OK"Domain is green.
    "WARN"Domain is yellow.
    "ERROR"Domain is red.

Reasons for the state from the primary enrollment server, if any.
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "CONNECTION_ESTABLISHING"Error: The enrollment server's connection to the domain is still being established (CREATED, INITIALIZED, or CONNECTING).
    "CONNECTION_FAILED"Error: The enrollment server's connection to the domain is stopping or in a problematic state (ASSOCIATED, STOPPING, FAILED, or UNKNOWN).
    "REPLICATION_DEGRADED"Warn: The enrollment server has read the enrollment properties at least once, but has not been able to reach a domain controller for some time.
    "NOT_FOUND"Error: This domain does not exist on the enrollment server.
    "REPLICATION_PENDING"Error: The enrollment server has not yet read the enrollment properties from a domain controller.
    "REPLICATION_FAILED"Error: The enrollment server has read the enrollment properties at least once but either has not been able to reach a domain controller for an extended time or another issue exists. An enrollment server with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
    "CERTIFICATE_NOT_VALID"Error: No valid enrollment certificate for this domain's forest is installed on the enrollment server, or it may have expired. An enrollment server with this status cannot be used in connector creation.

Reasons for the state from the secondary enrollment server, if any.
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "CONNECTION_ESTABLISHING"Error: The enrollment server's connection to the domain is still being established (CREATED, INITIALIZED, or CONNECTING).
    "CONNECTION_FAILED"Error: The enrollment server's connection to the domain is stopping or in a problematic state (ASSOCIATED, STOPPING, FAILED, or UNKNOWN).
    "REPLICATION_DEGRADED"Warn: The enrollment server has read the enrollment properties at least once, but has not been able to reach a domain controller for some time.
    "NOT_FOUND"Error: This domain does not exist on the enrollment server.
    "REPLICATION_PENDING"Error: The enrollment server has not yet read the enrollment properties from a domain controller.
    "REPLICATION_FAILED"Error: The enrollment server has read the enrollment properties at least once but either has not been able to reach a domain controller for an extended time or another issue exists. An enrollment server with this status cannot be used in connector creation.
    "CERTIFICATE_NOT_VALID"Error: No valid enrollment certificate for this domain's forest is installed on the enrollment server, or it may have expired. An enrollment server with this status cannot be used in connector creation.