Request Body Examples for Product Import
Each product has a different request body for import. To see the properties required for your product, refer to the examples provided.
For property definitions used in the calls, see Properties for Environment Operations.
Request body example for vRealize Log Insight
{ "environmentName": "vrli_import_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrli", "version": "8.0.0", "properties": { "vrliHostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "vCenterList": "", "vrliAdminPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-bdad-4c5bb:VMware1!", "rootPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-bdad-49c5bb:VMware1!", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for vRealize Business for Cloud
{ "environmentName": "vRBC_import_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-32ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrbc", "version": "7.6.0", "properties": { "vrbCafeHost": "", "vrbHostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "vrbRootPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "vCenterList": "", "vrbAuthType": "standalone", "vrbVidmHostName": "", "vrbVidmAdminUserName": "", "vrbVidmAdminPassword": "", "vrbCafeSsoTenant": "vsphere.local", "vrbCafeSsoAdminUser": "", "vrbCafeSsoPassword": "", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for vRealize Automation 8.x
{ "environmentName": "vra_import_env", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb36032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vra", "version": "8.1.0", "properties": { "windowsPassword": "", "vraImportVersion": "8.0.0", "cafeHostNamePrimary": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "cafeRootPasswordPrimary": "locker:password:81fb36-c6032ee9c5bb:VMware1!", "windowsUserName": "", "tenantName": "vsphere.local", "tenantUserName": "", "tenantUserPassword": "", "vraAdminPassword": "", "vCenterList": "", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for VMware Identity Manager
{ "environmentName": "globalenvironment", "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "LCM-VC2", "vCenterHost": "lcm-vc2.sqa.local", "vcUsername": "[email protected]", "vcPassword": "locker:password:609cb1528:DC1-LCM-VC2-Import-vCenter", "acceptEULA": "true", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:d224e64f-e43810:VMware1!", "certificate": "locker:certificate:0ee3fce5-de0b-448a-80e9-9acf78b1d2c6:vm", "cluster": "Datacenter#Cluster-01", "storage": "ISCSI-15TB-04", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "thin", "network": "infra-traffic-1024", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": ",", "domain": "sqa.local", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "sqa.local", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vidm", "version": "3.3.2", "properties": { "hostName": "lcm-57.sqa.local", "vidmSystemAdminPassword": "locker:password:d224e64f-d62c10:VMware1!", "vidmAdminPassword": "locker:password:d224e6462c10:VMware1!", "vidmSshPassword": "locker:password:d224e64f-e438-462c10:VMware1!", "vidmRootPassword": "locker:password:d224e64fbd62c10:VMware1!", "isImport": "true", "defaultConfigurationUsername": "configadmin", "defaultConfigurationPassword": "locker:password:d224e61-d9dc10:VMware1!", "syncGroupMembers": false, "vCenterList": "" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }
Request body example for vRealize Network Insight
{ "environmentName": "vrni_import_env", "environmentHealth": null, "logHistory": null, "infrastructure": { "properties": { "dataCenterVmid": "ee6ce426-ca13-4e56-ad9e-c34a4d3d90c2", "regionName": "default", "zoneName": "default", "vCenterName": "", "vCenterHost": "", "vcUsername": "", "vcPassword": "", "acceptEULA": "false", "enableTelemetry": "true", "adminEmail": "[email protected]", "defaultPassword": "locker:password:81fb3628-bdee9c5bb:VMware1!", "certificate": "", "cluster": "", "storage": "", "folderName": "", "resourcePool": "", "diskMode": "", "network": "", "masterVidmEnabled": "false", "dns": "", "domain": "", "gateway": "", "netmask": "", "searchpath": "", "timeSyncMode": "host", "ntp": "", "isDhcp": "false" } }, "products": [ { "id": "vrni", "version": "5.1.0", "properties": { "platformIP": "", "vrniPlatformUserName": "configadmin", "vrniPlatformPassword": "", "supportPassword": "", "consolePassword": "", "vCenterList": "", "isImport": "true" }, "clusterVIP": { "clusterVips": [] }, "nodes": [] } ] }