vSAN Management

The VMware vSAN API Reference documentation provides information about the methods and data structures available through the vSAN API. Note that the vSAN APIs are an extension of the regular vSphere APIs, and as such this API reference includes all types of the vSphere API for reference as well.

The vSAN API is exposed as a Web service, running on both the VMware vCenter server systems as well as the VMware ESXi systems. The API provides access to the methods that you can use to manage vSAN.

vSAN API overview

The vSAN API centers around a small set of Managed Objects, which allow to set up and configure all aspects of vSAN, as well as query runtime state.

Managed Objects for vSphere Management API/SDK are serviced with the vSphere SDK service endpoint(the Web Service URL - '/sdk').
While the Managed Objects for vSAN API are serviced with dedicated Web Service endpoints.
At ESXi side, the dedicated vSAN API service endpoint is '/vsan'. At VC side, the dedicated vSAN API service endpoint is '/vsanHealth'.

The HostVsanSystem and VsanUpgradeSystem are inherited MOs from previous version of VSAN. They are serviced as part of the vSphere Management API. So you access these two MOs in the same way of accessing the MOs (i.e. SessionManager) of vSphere APIs with the service endpoint - '/sdk'.
Other Mananged MOs of Vritual VSAN API are serviced under the dedicated endpoints - '/vsan' (for ESXi) and '/vsanHealth' (for VC).

For more information about the vSphere Management API, see vSphere API/SDK Documentation from VMware vSphere Documentation Center.

vSAN API deprecation history

6.7 Update 1 release

Navigating the API Reference

The vSAN API Reference is an HTML frameset. Click an entry in the left-hand pane to display information in the right-hand pane. To find the description of a specific object type, click the appropriate category name and then refine your search by entering the object name in the search text field.

To quickly find an entry, start typing its name in the Quick Index field.

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