Enum - VsanClusterHealthActionVsanClusterHealthActionIdEnum(vim.cluster.VsanClusterHealthAction.VsanClusterHealthActionIdEnum)

vSphere API 5.5

Enum Description

The vSAN cluster health action ID enumeration. Actions are remediation operations user can take to resolve health issues. Each action is identified by ID. The user performs the action by calling the associated first-class API. But it's not always appropriate to trigger such operation and user need to use judgment of the situation to decide. This is why the action is not automatically executed, as it may be the wrong choice in some situations. Some actions don't directly correspond to an API, but rather a workflow, in the case of the UI a wizard.

Enum Constants

ClaimVSANDisks Mapped to UI workflow "Claim vSAN Disks".
ClusterUpgrade Mapped to UI workflow "vSAN On-click Upgrade Wizard".
ConfigureDRS Mapped to UI workflow "Configure DRS".
ConfigureHA Mapped to UI workflow "Configure HA".
ConfigureVSAN Mapped to UI workflow "Configure vSAN".
CreateDVS Mapped to UI workflow "Create VDS".
CreateVMKnic Mapped to UI workflow "Create vmknic Wizard".
CreateVMKnicWithVMotion Mapped to UI workflow "Create vmknic with vMotion Wizard".
DiskBalance Mapped to VsanRebalanceCluster API.
EnableCeip Mapped to UI workflow "Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) page".
EnableHealthService Deprecated.
EnableIscsiTargetService Mapped to UI workflow "Enable vSAN iSCSI service".
EnablePerformanceServiceAction Mapped to VsanPerfCreateStatsObjectTask API.
LoginVumIsoDepot Mapped to FetchIsoDepotCookie API.
PurgeInaccessSwapObjs Mapped to UI workflow "Purge Inaccessible VM Swap Objects".
RemediateClusterConfig Mapped to UI workflow "Remediate inconsistent configuration".
RemediateDataProtectionConfig Mapped to VsanRemediateDataProtectionConfigInCluster API.
RemediateDedup Mapped to PerformVsanUpgradeEx API.
RepairClusterObjectsAction Mapped to VsanHealthRepairClusterObjectsImmediate API.
RunBurnInTest Mapped to UI workflow "Run Storage performance test".
StopDiskBalance Mapped to VsanStopRebalanceCluster API.
UpdateHclDbFromInternet Mapped to VsanVcUpdateHclDbFromWeb API.
UpgradeVsanDiskFormat Mapped to PerformVsanUpgradeEx API.
UploadHclDb Mapped to VsanVcUploadHclDb API.
UploadReleaseCatalog Mapped to UI workflow "Update release catalog from file"

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