Enum - VsanIscsiTargetAuthSpecVsanIscsiTargetAuthType(vim.cluster.VsanIscsiTargetAuthSpec.VsanIscsiTargetAuthType)

vSphere API 6.5

Enum Description

Defines iSCSI authentication type.

Enum Constants

CHAP The Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), user name and secret attached to the target is needed to provide for any initiator to authenticate to this target.
CHAP_Mutual The Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) with Mutual option enabled, not only user name and secret attached to the target is needed to provide for any initiator to authenticate to this target, but also user name and secret attached to the initiator is needed to provide for one initiator to authenticate to any target.
NoAuth No authentication is used, the target can be connected by any initiator.

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