efficientCapacity | VimVsanDataEfficiencyCapacityState |
The vSAN efficient capacity breakdown details when the vSAN cluster
enables data efficiency.
Since vSAN API 6.7
freeCapacityB | xsd:long |
The free vSAN capacity in byte. It's the total of free vSAN physical
space which can be used for writing data including any of user data, metadata and
the overhead data.
spaceDetail | VsanSpaceUsageDetailResult |
The vSAN space usage detail by breakdown the usage into different vSAN object type.
spaceOverview | VsanObjectSpaceSummary |
The vSAN space usage overview including the vSAN physically
written capacity, the reserved and over-reserved capacity and the total used
capacity. It shares the same data structure as the per vSAN object type
space usage summary VsanObjectSpaceSummary without setting the object type.
totalCapacityB | xsd:long |
The total vSAN capacity in byte, which is the total used
and free capacity combined. It's the total of physical space which
can be use for writing data including any of user data, metadata
and the overhead data.
uncommittedB | xsd:long |
Total additional storage space, in bytes, potentially used by all
vSAN objects except for the virtual machine swap objects and namespace
objects on this vSAN datastore.
It can be retrieved through
vim.cluster.VsanSpaceReportSystem#VsanQuerySpaceUsage by specifying
whatifCapacityOnly as False.
whatifCapacities | VsanWhatifCapacity[] |
The vSAN capacity details if all objects are stored with the
specified storage policy.
Since vSAN API vSAN 6.7U1
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |