Enum - VsanEncryptionIssue(vim.host.VsanEncryptionIssue)

vSAN API 6.6

Enum Description

The vSAN encryption issue enumeration.

Enum Constants

clientcertificateinconsistent The client certification on the host is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
clientkeyinconsistent The client private key on the host is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
cmkcannotretrieve The CMK status currently cannot be read from AWS KMS, it could be caused by AWS KMS cannot be connected.
cmknotinenabledstate The CMK currently used is not in Enabled state.
dataencryptionkeyinconsistent The Data Encryption Key generation number on the host/disk is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
disabledwhenclusterenabled Encryption is disabled on the host/disk when the cluster has encryption enabled.
enabledwhenclusterdisabled Encryption is enabled on the host/disk when the cluster has encryption disabled.
erasedisksbeforeuseinconsistent The configuration of erasing disks before use on the host is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
hostkeyinconsistent The host key for host core dump encryption is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
keyencryptionkeyinconsistent The Encryption Key on the host/disk is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
kmsinfoinconsistent The Key Management Servers information on the host/disk is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.
servercertificatesinconsistent The server certifications on the host is inconsistent with the cluster encryption configuration.

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