Data Object - VsanNetworkLoadTestResult(

Property of
Returned by
VsanHostQueryRunIperfClient, VsanHostQueryRunIperfServer
vSphere API 5.5

Data Object Description

Class for vSAN network performance test result in the host, this test is used for checking if the vSAN network meets the bandwidth requirements of vSAN. For multicast performance, the test is done by picking one host as the sender, and having all other hosts be receivers. For unicast performance, the test is done by having all hosts form a circular list, and every host in the list will be sending packets to the next host, while receiving packets from the previous host at the same time.


Name Type Description

If the host acts as the sender, it's the value for the maximum achievable bandwidth and if the host acts as the receiver, it's the value for the actual network bandwidth in byte per second in the test

True indicates the host will act as the sender to send the network packets to other host(s) in the network performance test

The host name

The network packet jitter in millisecond in the network performance test. It shows the average packet latency between sender and receiver. This value will only be set for the host acting as receiver

The percentage for the lost datagrams in the network performance test. This value will only be set for the host acting as receiver

The number of lost datagrams in the network performance test. This value will only be set for the host acting as receiver

The total number of sending datagrams in the network performance test. This value will only be set for the host acting as receiver

The host network load test status. For multicast, the status will be in red if the speed is less than 20 MB/s, the status will be yellow if the speed is between 20MB/s and 50MB/s and it's green if the speed is larger than 50MB/s; For unicast, the status will be red if the speed is 0 Mb/s, and yellow if the speed is less than 850 Mb/s, the status will be green if the speed is larger than or equal to 850 Mb/s.

The total received or sent packet bytes in the network performance test
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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