calltime | xsd:float |
The starting time for the vSAN multicast connectivity test
error | LocalizedMethodFault |
If error is set, it means that collection of Pcap info failed on this host
hostname | xsd:string |
The host name
pcap | xsd:string |
The raw captured packet data with base64 encoding and is compressed as zip format
pkts | xsd:string[] |
The multicast network trace packets in the json format with the keys including
"seenBy" (the host list which can communicate with this host), "cmmdsMcastSeq"
(the CMMDS multicast packet sequence number), "dstIp" (the multicast destination IP),
"srcUuid" (the source host UUID), "sentBy" (the host IP sending the multicast packet),
"timestamp", "srcPort" , "msgType"(the multicast packet message type), "srcIp",
"clusterUuid" (the vSAN cluster UUID), "pktType" (the packet type) and "dstPort"
snaplen | xsd:int |
The snapshot length is the amount of data for each frame that is actually captured
in the multicast connectivity test
tcpdumpFilter | xsd:string |
The TCP packets filter to select which packets will be dumped. The filter
expression syntax is the same as the expression in the Linux standard utility
command 'tcpdump'
vmknic | xsd:string |
The vmknic using for the vSAN multicast connectivity test
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |