Data Object - StoragePlacementAction(vim.storageDrs.StoragePlacementAction)

See also
Datastore, VirtualMachine, VirtualMachineRelocateSpec
vSphere API 5.0

Data Object Description

Describes a single storage initial placement action for placing a virtual machine or a set of virtual disks on a datastore.


Name Type Description
to a Datastore

Target datastore.

Current I/O latency on the target datastore. Unit: millisecond. If not set, the value is not available.

Specification for placing a virtual machine or a set of virtual disks to a datastore.

Space demand on the target datastore after placing the virtual disk. Unit: percentage. For example, if set to 70.0, space demand is 70%. This value include the space demanded by thin provisioned VMs. Hence, it may be higher than 100%. If not set, the value is not available.

Since vSphere API 6.0

Current space demand on the target datastore. Unit: percentage. For example, if set to 70.0, space demand is 70%. This value include the space demanded by thin provisioned VMs. Hence, it may be higher than 100%. If not set, the value is not available.

Since vSphere API 6.0

Space utilization on the target datastore after placing the virtual disk. Unit: percentage. For example, if set to 70.0, space utilization is 70%. If not set, the value is not available.

Current space utilization on the target datastore. Unit: percentage. For example, if set to 70.0, space utilization is 70%. If not set, the value is not available.
to a VirtualMachine

Virtual machine reference. It is possible that the VM has not been created, in which case, this property is left unset.
Properties inherited from ClusterAction
target, type
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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