collisionRename | xsd:boolean |
If true, the hosts tracked in this pg migration spec have a different portgroup
setting spec than other hosts. In order to not change any settings as part of
the migration, the conflict is resolved by creating this additional DVPortgroup
under a renamed name (e.g. VssName-2).
dvPgName | xsd:string |
The name of the DV portgroup that is being created/migrated to.
hosts | VsanVdsPgMigrationHostInfo[] |
Detailed migration information for each host and the consumers of the
portgroup on this host.
vdsPgSetting | VMwareDVSPortSetting |
The VDS portgroup configuration of the portgroup to be created.
vdsPgType | xsd:string |
Type of portgroup to be created.
vssPgName | xsd:string |
The original name of the VSS portgroup that is being migrated. The settings
of the hosts tracked in the 'hosts' field are the ones that are migrated.
Note in case of collisions there will be multiple portgroup migration specs
for a single VSS portgroup name. See 'collisionRename' field.
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |