Specifying a Locator

A source or target locator points to a specific resource. Locators must specify a protocol, which defines how to reach the resource. Supported protocols are file access, vSphere, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.

File locators can point to an OVF package (.ovf or .ova), a virtual machine (.vmx). HTTP, HTTPS, or a vApprun workspace entity. FTP locators can point to OVF and OVA files. The resource type is determined from the filename suffix, unless one or both of the options --sourceType and --targetType are used explicitly.

vSphere locators can point to various resource types: virtual machines, vApps, hosts, clusters, or resource pools. For a source locator, the resource type must be a virtual machine or vApp. For a target locator, the resource type must be a host, cluster, or a resource pool. A vSphere locator is used for a vSphere server, vCenter Server, VMware Server, or an ESXi host.

At the command line, type --help locators to display the online help for locators.

Source Locator and Target Locator list the default extensions of the different source and target types, as well as which protocols are supported.

Table 1. Source Locator
Source Type Default File Extension Protocol Example
OVF .ovf File, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP /ovfs/my_vapp.ovf
OVA .ova File, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP /ovfs/my_vapp.ova
VMX .vmx File /vms/my_vm.vmx
vApprun N/A File ~/my_vApprun_workspace/MyVM
vCloud Director N/A HTTPS vcloud://username:[email protected]/ \
org=MyOrg&vdc=MyVDC&catalog=MyCatalog \ &vapp=myVapp
vSphere N/A vSphere vi://username:pass@localhost/my_datacenter/vm/ \ my_vms_folder/my_vm_name
Table 2. Target Locator
Target Type File Extension Protocol Example
OVF .ovf File /ovfs/my_vapp.ovf
OVA .ova File /ovfs/my_vapp.ova
VMX .vmx File (Source must be a

single virtual machine)

vApprun N/A File ~/my_vApprun_workspace/MyVM
vCloud Director N/A HTTPS vcloud://username:[email protected]/ \
org=MyOrg&vdc=MyVDC&catalog=MyCatalog \ &vapp=myVapp
vSphere N/A vSphere (If the vSphere

target locator is on a VMware

Server system, or directly on

an ESXi host, the source must

be a single virtual machine)

vi://username:pass@localhost/my_datacenter/vm/ \ my_vms_folder/my_vm_name