Data Object - AlarmTriggeringAction

See also
Action, AlarmTriggeringActionTransitionSpec

Data Object Description

This data object type describes one or more triggering transitions and an action to be done when an alarm is triggered.

There are four triggering transitions; at least one of them must be provided. A gray state is considered the same as a green state, for the purpose of detecting transitions.


Name Type Description

The action to be done when the alarm is triggered.
green2yellowxsd:booleanDeprecated. As of vSphere API 4.0, use AlarmTriggeringActionTransitionSpec .

Flag to specify that the alarm should trigger on a transition from green to yellow.
red2yellowxsd:booleanDeprecated. As of vSphere API 4.0, use AlarmTriggeringActionTransitionSpec .

Flag to specify that the alarm should trigger on a transition from red to yellow.

Indicates on which transitions this action executes and repeats. This is optional only for backwards compatibility.

Since vSphere API 4.0
yellow2greenxsd:booleanDeprecated. As of vSphere API 4.0, use AlarmTriggeringActionTransitionSpec .

Flag to specify that the alarm should trigger on a transition from yellow to green.
yellow2redxsd:booleanDeprecated. As of vSphere API 4.0, use AlarmTriggeringActionTransitionSpec .

Flag to specify that the alarm should trigger on a transition from yellow to red.
Properties inherited from AlarmAction
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set