| Local Properties | ||
Managed Object Types | Data Object Types | All Properties | All Methods |
Name | Type | Description |
advancedOptions* | HostInternetScsiHbaParamValue[] |
A list of the current options settings for the host bus adapter.
Since vSphere API 4.0 |
authenticationCapabilities | HostInternetScsiHbaAuthenticationCapabilities |
The authentication capabilities for this host bus adapter.
authenticationProperties | HostInternetScsiHbaAuthenticationProperties |
The authentication settings for this host bus adapter.
All static and discovery targets will inherit the use of these
settings unless their authentication settings are explicitly set.
configuredSendTarget* | HostInternetScsiHbaSendTarget[] |
The configured iSCSI send target entries.
configuredStaticTarget* | HostInternetScsiHbaStaticTarget[] |
The configured iSCSI static target entries.
currentSpeedMb* | xsd:int |
The Current operating link speed of the port in megabits per second.
digestCapabilities* | HostInternetScsiHbaDigestCapabilities |
The authentication capabilities for this host bus adapter.
Since vSphere API 4.0 |
digestProperties* | HostInternetScsiHbaDigestProperties |
The digest settings for this host bus adapter.
All static and discovery targets will inherit the use of these
properties unless their digest settings are explicitly set.
Since vSphere API 4.0 |
discoveryCapabilities | HostInternetScsiHbaDiscoveryCapabilities |
The discovery capabilities for this host bus adapter.
discoveryProperties | HostInternetScsiHbaDiscoveryProperties |
The discovery settings for this host bus adapter.
ipCapabilities | HostInternetScsiHbaIPCapabilities |
The IP capabilities for this host bus adapter.
ipProperties | HostInternetScsiHbaIPProperties |
The IP settings for this host bus adapter.
iScsiAlias* | xsd:string |
The iSCSI alias of this host bus adapter.
iScsiName | xsd:string |
The iSCSI name of this host bus adapter.
isSoftwareBased | xsd:boolean |
True if this host bus adapter is a software based initiator
utilizing the hosting system's existing TCP/IP network connection
maxSpeedMb* | xsd:int |
The maximum supported link speed of the port in megabits per second.
supportedAdvancedOptions* | OptionDef[] |
A list of supported key/value pair advanced options for the
host bus adapter including their type information.
Since vSphere API 4.0 |
Properties inherited from HostHostBusAdapter | ||
bus, device, driver, key, model, pci, status | ||
Properties inherited from DynamicData | ||
None |
Top of page | Local Properties | ||
Managed Object Types | Data Object Types | All Properties | All Methods |