Data Object - VirtualDiskSparseVer2BackingOption

See also
BoolOption, ChoiceOption

Data Object Description

This data object type contains the options available when backing a virtual disk using a host file with the sparse file format from VMware Server.


Name Type Description

The disk mode. Valid disk modes are:
See VirtualDiskMode


Indicates whether or not this disk backing can be extended to larger sizes through a reconfigure operation.

If set to true, reconfiguring this virtual disk with a capacityInKB value greater than its current value will grow the disk to the newly specified size.


Indicates whether or not this disk backing can be extended to larger sizes through a reconfigure operation while the virtual machine is powered on.

If set to true, reconfiguring this virtual disk with a capacityInKB value greater than its current value will grow the disk to the newly specified size while the virtual machine is powered on.

Since VI API 2.5

Flag to indicate whether or not the host supports allowing the client to select whether or not a sparse disk should be split.

Flag to indicate whether this backing supports disk UUID property.

Since VI API 2.5

Flag to indicate whether or not the host supports allowing the client to select "writethrough" as a mode for virtual disks. Typically, this is available only for VMware Server Linux hosts.
Properties inherited from VirtualDeviceFileBackingOption
Properties inherited from VirtualDeviceBackingOption
Properties inherited from DynamicData