Data Object - VirtualSIOControllerOption

See also

Data Object Description

The VirtualSIOControllerOption data object type contains the options for a virtual Super IO Controller.


Name Type Description

Three properties (numFloppyDrives.min, numFloppyDrives.max, and numFloppyDrives.defaultValue) define the minimum, maximum, and default number of floppy drives you can have at any given time in the Super IO Controller. This is further constrained by the number of available slots in the Super IO Controller.

Three properties (numParallelPorts.min, numParallelPorts.max, and numParallelPorts.defaultValue) define the minimum, maximum, and default number of parallel ports you can have at any given time in the Super IO controller. This is further constrained by the number of available slots in the Super IO Controller.

Three properties (numSerialPorts.min, numSerialPorts.max, and numSerialPorts.defaultValue) define the minimum, maximum, and default number of serial ports you can have at any given time in the Super IO Controller. This is further constrained by the number of available slots in the Super IO Controller.
Properties inherited from VirtualControllerOption
devices, supportedDevice
Properties inherited from VirtualDeviceOption
autoAssignController, backingOption, connectOption, controllerType, defaultBackingOptionIndex, deprecated, hotRemoveSupported, licensingLimit, plugAndPlay, type
Properties inherited from DynamicData