Checking Default Devices
When you create a virtual machine, you are also creating a set of default devices, based on the hardware version associated with your SDK. You can see these devices using the EnvironmentBrowser.QueryConfigOption method. For example, the IDE controllers are created by default. Many of these default devices contain properties that you cannot change.
However, you can add the following optional devices to the default set: VirtualSerialPort, VirtualParallelPort, VirtualFloppy, VirtualCdrom, VirtualUSB, VirtualEthernetCard, VirtualDisk, and VirtualSCSIPassthrough. See the VirtualDevice Data Object in the API Reference for more information about each of these optional devices.
Caution: Do not try
to change default device properties using the
VirtualMachineConfigSpec.deviceChange method
discussed in
Adding Devices to Virtual Machines,
because the
deviceChange method is not
applicable to default device properties.