LBSnatTranslationType (type)

  "additionalProperties": false, 
  "description": "Load balancers may need to perform SNAT to ensure reverse traffic from the server can be received and processed by them. There are three modes: LBSnatAutoMap uses the load balancer interface IP and an ephemeral port as the source IP and port of the server side connection. LBSnatIpPool allows user to specify one or more IP addresses along with their subnet masks that should be used for SNAT while connecting to any of the servers in the pool. LBSnatDisabled disables Source NAT. This is referred to as no-SNAT or TRANSPARENT mode. LBSnatAutoMap and LBSnatIpPool are deprecated as NSX-T Load Balancer is deprecated.", 
  "enum": [
  "id": "LBSnatTranslationType", 
  "module_id": "PolicyLoadBalancer", 
  "title": "Snat translation type", 
  "type": "string"