ALBTCPProxyProfile (schema)


Advanced load balancer TCPProxyProfile object
Name Description Type Notes
aggressive_congestion_avoidance Aggressive congestion avoidance

Controls the our congestion window to send, normally it's 1
mss, If this option is turned on, we use 10 msses.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
auto_window_growth Auto window growth

Controls whether the windows are static or supports
Maximum that it can grow to is limited to 4MB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
automatic Automatic

Dynamically pick the relevant parameters for connections.
Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- true) edition, Enterprise
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
cc_algo Cc algo

Controls the congestion control algorithm we use.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as CC_ALGO_NEW_RENO.
ALBCongestionAlgo Default: "CC_ALGO_NEW_RENO"
congestion_recovery_scaling_factor Congestion recovery scaling factor

Congestion window scaling factor after recovery.
Allowed values are 0-8.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 2.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 8
Default: "2"
idle_connection_timeout Idle connection timeout

The duration for keepalive probes or session idle timeout.
Max value is 3600 seconds, min is 5.
Set to 0 to allow infinite idle time.
Allowed values are 5-14400.
Special values are 0 - 'infinite'.
Unit is SEC.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 600.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 14400
Default: "600"
idle_connection_type Idle connection type

Controls the behavior of idle connections.
Enum options - KEEP_ALIVE, CLOSE_IDLE.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as KEEP_ALIVE.
ALBIdleConnectionType Default: "KEEP_ALIVE"
ignore_time_wait Ignore time wait

A new SYN is accepted from the same 4-tuple even if there
is already a connection in TIME_WAIT state.
This is equivalent of setting Time Wait Delay to 0.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
ip_dscp Ip dscp

Controls the value of the Differentiated Services Code
Point field inserted in the IP header.
This has two options Set to a specific value, or Pass
Through, which uses the incoming DSCP value.
Allowed values are 0-63.
Special values are MAX - 'Passthrough'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 63
Default: "0"
keepalive_in_halfclose_state Keepalive in halfclose state

Controls whether to keep the connection alive with
keepalive messages in the TCP half close state.
The interval for sending keepalive messages is 30s.
If a timeout is already configured in the network profile,
this will not override it.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"
max_retransmissions Max retransmissions

The number of attempts at retransmit before closing the
Allowed values are 3-8.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 8.
integer Minimum: 3
Maximum: 8
Default: "8"
max_segment_size Max segment size

Maximum TCP segment size.
Allowed values are 512-9000.
Special values are 0 - 'Use Interface MTU'.
Unit is BYTES.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 9000
max_syn_retransmissions Max syn retransmissions

The maximum number of attempts at retransmitting a SYN
packet before giving up.
Allowed values are 3-8.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 8.
integer Minimum: 3
Maximum: 8
Default: "8"
min_rexmt_timeout Min rexmt timeout

The minimum wait time (in millisec) to retransmit packet.
Allowed values are 50-5000.
integer Minimum: 50
Maximum: 5000
nagles_algorithm Nagles algorithm

Consolidates small data packets to send clients fewer but
larger packets.
Adversely affects real time protocols such as telnet or
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as false.
boolean Default: "False"
reassembly_queue_size Reassembly queue size

Maximum number of TCP segments that can be queued for
Configuring this to 0 disables the feature and provides
unlimited queuing.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 0.
integer Default: "0"
receive_window Receive window

Size of the receive window.
Allowed values are 2-65536.
Unit is KB.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 64.
integer Minimum: 2
Maximum: 65536
Default: "64"
reorder_threshold Reorder threshold

Controls the number of duplicate acks required to trigger
Setting a higher value reduces retransmission caused by
packet reordering.
A larger value is recommended in public cloud environments
where packet reordering is quite common.
The default value is 8 in public cloud platforms (AWS,
Azure, GCP), and 3 in other environments.
Allowed values are 1-100.
integer Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
slow_start_scaling_factor Slow start scaling factor

Congestion window scaling factor during slow start.
Allowed values are 0-8.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 1.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 8
Default: "1"
time_wait_delay Time wait delay

The time (in millisec) to wait before closing a connection
in the TIME_WAIT state.
Allowed values are 500-2000.
Special values are 0 - 'immediate'.
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as 2000.
integer Minimum: 0
Maximum: 2000
Default: "2000"
use_interface_mtu Use interface mtu

Use the interface MTU to calculate the TCP max segment
Default value when not specified in API or module is
interpreted by ALB Controller as true.
boolean Default: "True"