IntentStatusRequestParameters (schema)

Request Parameters for Intent Status Information

Request parameters that represents a binding between an intent path and whether the
enforcement point specific status shall be retrieved from the enforcement point or
not. A request can be parameterized with this pair and will be evaluated as follows:
- <intent_path>: the request is evaluated on all enforcement points for the given
intent with no enforced statuses' details returned.
- <intent_path, include_enforced_status=true>: the request is evaluated on all
enforcement points for the given intent with enforced statuses' details returned.
Name Description Type Notes
include_enforced_status Include Enforced Status Flag

Flag conveying whether to include detailed view of the enforcement point specific
status or not.
boolean Default: "False"
intent_path Policy Path of the intent object

Policy Path referencing an intent object.
string Required
site_path Policy Path of the site from where the realization status needs to be fetched

Policy Path referencing a site. This is applicable only on a GlobalManager. If no
site_path is specified, then based on the span of the intent the response will be
fetched from the respective sites