LBHttpRedirectAction (schema) (Deprecated)

Action to redirect HTTP request messages

This action is used to redirect HTTP request messages to a new URL. The
reply_status value specified in this action is used as the status code of
HTTP response message which is sent back to client (Normally a browser).
The HTTP status code for redirection is 3xx, for example, 301, 302, 303,
307, etc. The redirect_url is the new URL that the HTTP request message is
redirected to. Normally browser will send another HTTP request to the new
URL after receiving a redirection response message.
Captured variables and built-in variables can be used in redirect_url field.
For example, to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS requests for a virtual
server. We create an LBRule without any conditions, add an
LBHttpRedirectAction to the rule. Set the
redirect_url field of the LBHttpRedirectAction to:
And set redirect_status to "302", which means found. This rule will
redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS server port on the same host.
Name Description Type Notes
redirect_status HTTP response status code

HTTP response status code.
string Required
redirect_url The URL that the HTTP request is redirected to

The URL that the HTTP request is redirected to.
string Required
type Must be set to the value LBHttpRedirectAction LBRuleActionType Required