PacketData (schema)

This is an abstract type. Concrete child types:
Name Description Type Notes
frame_size Requested total size of the (logical) packet in bytes

If the requested frame_size is too small (given the payload and
traceflow metadata requirement of 16 bytes), the traceflow request
will fail with an appropriate message. The frame will be zero padded to
the requested size.
integer Minimum: 60
Maximum: 1000
Default: "128"
resource_type Packet configuration string Required
Enum: BinaryPacketData, FieldsPacketData
Default: "FieldsPacketData"
routed Awareness of logical routing

When this flag is set, traceflow packet will have its destination
overwritten as the gateway address of the logical router to which
the source logical switch is connected. More specifically:
- For ARP request, the target IP will be overwritten as gateway IP if the target
IP is not in the same subnet of gateway.
- For ARP response, the target IP and destination MAC will be overwritten as
gateway IP/MAC respectively, if the target IP is not in the same subnet of gateway.
- For IP packet, the destination MAC will be overwritten as gateway MAC.
transport_type Transport type of the traceflow packet

This type takes effect only for IP packet.
Default: "UNICAST"