openapi: 3.0.0 info: contact: name: VMware description: API query for HCX virtual machine migrations details. license: name: Copyright (c) 2020-2021 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. termsOfService: title: HCX query migrations API. version: "1.0" security: - x-hm-authorization: [] servers: - url: https://{server}/hybridity/api variables: server: default: hcx_mgr_server description: HCX Manager server host name tags: - description: API to query virtual machine migrations details from HCX Manager. name: Query migrations details paths: /migrations: post: description: Returns the virtual machine migrations and their status details. operationId: queryHcxMigrations parameters: - explode: true in: query name: action required: true description: Represents which action type to do on migration(s). This API is for querying migration(s) action. schema: enum: - query type: string style: form requestBody: description: Query migrations filtering payload. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/queryMigrationsRequest' responses: 200: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/queryMigrationsResponse' description: Ok 401: description: Unauthorized 403: description: Forbidden 400: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' description: Bad Request 500: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorResponse' description: Internal Server Error summary: Returns HCX migrations details. tags: - Query migrations details components: schemas: queryMigrationsRequest: example: '{filter={skipDrafts=true,createTimeEpoch=1583692200000},options={resultLevel="MOBILITYGROUP_ITEMS",compat=2.1}}' type: object properties: filter: type: object description: This section is to specify filter parameters to query specified filter-matched migrations. properties: migrationGroupId: type: array description: Array of migration group identifiers. items: type: string creationDateInterval: type: number description: Creation Date interval in milliseconds. state: type: array description: Array of migration states. items: type: string id: type: array description: Array of migration IDs. items: type: string migrationId: type: array description: Array of migration IDs. items: type: string entityId: type: array description: Array of migrating source virtual machine IDs. items: type: string migrationType: type: array description: Array of migration types. items: type: string transferType: type: array description: Array of transfer types. items: type: string source_endpointId: type: array description: Array of source endpoint IDs. items: type: string destination_endpointId: type: array description: Array of destination endpoint IDs. items: type: string destination_resourceId: type: array description: Array of destination resource IDs. items: type: string source_resourceId: type: array description: Array of source resource IDs. items: type: string endpointId: type: array description: Array of either source or destination endpoint IDs. items: type: string resourceId: type: array description: Array of either source or destination resource IDs. items: type: string userName: type: array description: Array of user names that initiated the migrations. items: type: string draftsOnly: type: boolean description: Returns draft state migrations. includeArchived: type: boolean description: Specifies whether to return the archieved migrations. entity_id: type: array description: Array of migration source virtual machine IDs. items: type: string skipDrafts: type: boolean description: Specifies whether to skip the draft migrations. createTimeEpoch: type: number description: Creation time of the migration is greater than given value. options: type: object properties: resultLevel: type: string description: Sets the level of detail at which to retrieve migrations. compat: type: number description: Specify the compatibility version supported by the retrieved migration. paging: type: object properties: pageSize: type: integer description: Page size. offset: type: integer description: Offset value from which the records page to be retrieved. skipCount: type: integer description: Number of records to be skipped. queryMigrationsResponse: example: '{data={items=[{initiator={location="20200429065629370-9dd1ee63-ca3f-44d6-9e66-11ef5516e533"},lastUpdated=1591564529000,version=2,username="Administrator@VSPHERE.LOCAL", creationDate=1591563851000,pairingId="20200429065629370-9dd1ee63-ca3f-44d6-9e66-11ef5516e533|9456298e-4d5f-49f1-92d3-7101e68869df|20200429064422164-31f80b84-5d0b-41fb-b2e5-62a925f3e060|c879a579-fe68-4f8e-8aa4-c576aaede6ab", id="a414eb40-4213-47c3-a3b1-7b37df218c1a",entityId="a414eb40-4213-47c3-a3b1-7b37df218c1a",entityType="migrationGroupItem",migrationType="RAV", migrationId="a414eb40-4213-47c3-a3b1-7b37df218c1a",migrationGroupId="0f0bf6e1-4c15-4dc6-8d67-642b627b16af",transferGroupId="0f0bf6e1-4c15-4dc6-8d67-642b627b16af", transferId="a414eb40-4213-47c3-a3b1-7b37df218c1a",state="MIGRATION_CANCELLED",source={endpointId="20200429065629370-9dd1ee63-ca3f-44d6-9e66-11ef5516e533",endpointType="VC", endpointName="WDC-P2-HS3-HCX-NMB2-VM229.ENG.VMWARE.COM",resourceId="9456298e-4d5f-49f1-92d3-7101e68869df",computeResourceId="9456298e-4d5f-49f1-92d3-7101e68869df",resourceType="VC", resourceName=""},destination={endpointId="20200429064422164-31f80b84-5d0b-41fb-b2e5-62a925f3e060",endpointType="VC", endpointName="WDC-P2-HS3-HCX-NMB2-VM799.ENG.VMWARE.COM",resourceId="c879a579-fe68-4f8e-8aa4-c576aaede6ab",computeResourceId="c879a579-fe68-4f8e-8aa4-c576aaede6ab",resourceType="VC", resourceName=""},entity={entityId="vm-259",entityType="VirtualMachine",entityName="murty_jun4_vm4"}, summary={guestFullName="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)",guestId="rhel6_64Guest",guestHostName="elftinycentos",memorySizeMB=256,numCpu=1,diskSize=1048576000,memorySize=268435456}, transferParams={transferType="vSphereReplication",creationDate="Sun Jun 07 21:04:11 GMT 2020",transferId="a414eb40-4213-47c3-a3b1-7b37df218c1a", transferGroupId="0f0bf6e1-4c15-4dc6-8d67-642b627b16af",transferProfile=[{option="removeSnapshots",value=false},{option="removeISOs",value=false}],schedule={},workflowVersion=2}, switchoverParams={schedule={},options={retainMac=true,forcePowerOffVm=false,upgradeHardware=false,upgradeVMTools=false,isEvcDisabled=false},switchoverProfile=[{option="retainMac", value=true},{option="forcePowerOffVm",value=false},{option="upgradeHardware",value=false},{option="upgradeVMTools",value=false},{option="isEvcDisabled",value=false}]}, placement=[{id="domain-c7",name="RedwoodCluster",type="cluster"},{id="datacenter-2",name="RedwoodDc",type="dataCenter"},{id="group-v9",name="Discovered virtual machine",type="folder"}], storage={defaultStorage={datastoreId="datastore-22",datastoreName="dc1nfs0-1",id="datastore-22",type="datastore",name="dc1nfs0-1",diskProvisionType="sameAsSource", storageParams=[{option="StorageProfile",value="default",type="default",name="Datastore Default Storage Policy"}]}},networkParams={networkMappings=[{srcNetworkName="stretch3000", srcNetworkDisplayName="stretch3000",srcNetworkValue="dvportgroup-59",srcNetworkHref="dvportgroup-59",destNetworkName="L2E_stretch3000-3000-9456298e", destNetworkDisplayName="L2E_stretch3000-3000-9456298e",destNetworkValue="network-o61",destNetworkHref="network-o61",macAddress="00:50:56:8a:a0:1a",isprimaryNic=false, srcNetworkId="dvportgroup-59",srcNetworkType="DistributedVirtualPortgroup",destNetworkId="network-o61",destNetworkType="OpaqueNetwork",connected=true}]}, progress={startTime=1591563851000,endTime=1591564529000,message="Migration Cancelled by user, rollback completed",draftState="RUNNING",isRescheduleAllowed=true,isCancelled=1,isDone=true, didFail=true,total={count=1,value=1048576000,bytesTransferred=0},error={count=1,value=1048576000,message="Migration Cancelled."},transfer={count=1,value=0,startTime=1591563881000, endTime=0,progressCount=0,progress=0,completedCount=0,completed=0,abortedCount=1,aborted=196608,parkedCount=0,parked=0,errorCount=0,error=0},switchover={count=1,value=0,endTime=0, progressCount=0,progress=0,completedCount=0,completed=0,abortedCount=1,aborted=1048576000,parkedCount=0,parked=0,errorCount=0,error=0,waitingCount=0,waiting=0},parked={count=0,value=0}, aborted={count=1,value=196608},state={statusType="MIGRATION_STATUS",rowType="MIGRATION_STATUS_ROW",status="MIGRATION_CANCELLED",errorsOccurred=true,message="Migration Cancelled by user, rollback completed",errorMessage="Migration Cancelled.",lastUpdated="Sun Jun 07 21:15:29 GMT 2020",isRescheduleAllowed=true,isError=1,isTransferError=0,isTransfer=1,isSwitchoverError=0, isTransferProgress=0,isTransferCompleted=1,isTransferParked=0,isSwitchoverCompleted=0,isSwitchoverProgress=0,isSwitchover=1,isParked=0,isSwitchoverParked=0,isTransferAborted=0, isSwitchoverAborted=1,isAborted=1,isWaitingForMaintWindow=0,isDone=true,isVMotionBaseSyncInProgress=false,isSwitchoverStarted=0},log=[{statusType="MIGRATION_STATUS", rowType="MIGRATION_STATUS_ROW",status="MIGRATION_CANCELLED",errorsOccurred=true,message="Migration Cancelled by user, rollback completed",errorMessage="Migration Cancelled.", lastUpdated="Sun Jun 07 21:15:29 GMT 2020"},{statusType="REPLICATION_TRANSFER_STATUS",rowType="TRANSFER_STATUS_ROW",status="TRANSFER_CANCELLED",errorsOccurred=false, message="Migration Cancelled by user, rollback completed",lastUpdated="Sun Jun 07 21:15:29 GMT 2020",bytesTransferred=0,totalBytes=196608},{statusType="TRANSFER_STATUS", rowType="TRANSFER_STATUS_ROW",status="TRANSFER_CANCELLED",errorsOccurred=false,message="Migration Cancelled by user, rollback completed",lastUpdated="Sun Jun 07 21:15:29 GMT 2020", bytesTransferred=0,totalBytes=196608}]},isDeleted=false,isArchived=false,migrationTypeLabel="Replication-assisted vMotion"},]}}' type: object properties: data: type: object properties: items: type: array items: type: object properties: initiator: type: object properties: location: type: object description: Initiator location unique identifier. id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the migration. lastUpdated: type: number description: Last updated date of the migration. version: type: number description: Version. username: type: string description: User name. creationDate: type: number description: Creation date of the migration. pairingId: type: string description: Migration source and target pairing ID. entityId: type: string description: Source entity ID of the virtual machine which is under migration. entityType: type: string description: Source entity type. migrationType: type: string description: Migration type. migrationId: type: string description: Migration unique identifier. migrationGroupId: type: string description: Migration group identifier. transferGroupId: type: string description: Transfer group ID. transferId: type: string description: Transfer ID. state: type: string description: State of the migration. source: type: object description: Source side end-point identifier details. properties: endpointId: type: string description: End-point unique identifier. endpointType: type: string description: End-point type. endpointName: type: string description: End-point name. resourceId: type: string description: End-point resource unique identifier. computeResourceId: type: string description: End-point compute resource unique identifier. resourceType: type: string description: End-point resource type. resourceName: type: string description: End-point resource name. destination: type: object description: Destination side end-point identifier details. properties: endpointId: type: string description: End-point unique identifier. endpointType: type: string description: End-point type. endpointName: type: string description: End-point name. resourceId: type: string description: End-point resource unique identifier. computeResourceId: type: string description: End-point compute resource unique identifier. resourceType: type: string description: End-point resource type. resourceName: type: string description: End-point resource name. entity: type: object description: Virtual machine entity details. properties: entityId: type: string description: Entity ID. entityType: type: string description: Entity type. entityName: type: string description: Entity name. summary: type: object description: Virtual machine summary details. properties: guestFullName: type: string description: Virtual machine guest operating system full name. guestId: type: string description: Virtual machine guest operating system ID. guestHostName: type: string description: Virtual machine guest operating system host name. memorySizeMB: type: number description: Virtual machine memory size in MB. numCpu: type: integer description: Virtual machine number of CPU's diskSize: type: number description: Virtual machine disk size. memorySize: type: number description: Virtual machine memory size. transferParams: type: object description: Migration transfer parameters. properties: transferType: type: string description: Transfer type. creationDate: type: string description: Creation date. transferId: type: string description: Transfer ID. transferGroupId: type: string description: Transfer group ID. transferProfile: type: array description: Transfer profile. items: type: object properties: option: type: string description: Option type. value: type: boolean description: Option value. schedule: type: object description: Schedule details. properties: startTime: type: number description: Schedule start time. expiryTime: type: number description: Schedule expiry time. workflowVersion: type: number description: Workflow version. switchoverParams: type: object description: Migration switchover parameters properties: schedule: type: object description: Switchover schedule details. properties: startTime: type: number description: Schedule start time. expiryTime: type: number description: Schedule expiry time. options: type: object description: Options. properties: retainMac: type: boolean description: Whether to retain MAC address. forcePowerOffVm: type: boolean description: Whether to do force power off virtual machine. upgradeHardware: type: boolean description: Whether to upgrade virtual machine hardware version on target side migrated VM. upgradeVMTools: type: boolean description: Whether to upgrade VM tools on target side migrated VM. isEvcDisabled: type: boolean description: Whether to disable EVC. switchoverProfile: type: array description: Switchover profile. items: type: object properties: option: type: string description: Option type. value: type: boolean description: Option value. placement: type: array description: Target side placement container details. items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: Placement container ID. name: type: string description: Placement container name. type: type: string description: Placement container type. storage: type: object description: Target storage details. properties: defaultStorage: type: object description: Default target storage details. properties: datastoreId: type: string description: Data store ID. datastoreName: type: string description: Data store name. id: type: string description: Target storage ID. type: type: string description: Target storage type. name: type: string description: Target storage name. diskProvisionType: type: string description: Disk provision type. storageParams: type: array description: Storage parameters. items: type: object properties: option: type: string description: Storage profile option. value: type: string description: Storage profile option value. type: type: string description: Storage profile option type. name: type: string description: Storage profile option name. networkParams: type: object description: Source to target network mapping details. properties: networkMappings: type: array description: Network mappings. items: type: object properties: srcNetworkName: type: string description: Source network name. srcNetworkDisplayName: type: string description: Source network display name. srcNetworkValue: type: string description: Source network value. srcNetworkHref: type: string description: Source network Href. destNetworkName: type: string description: Destination network name. destNetworkDisplayName: type: string description: Destination network display name. destNetworkValue: type: string description: Destination network value. destNetworkHref: type: string description: Destination network Href. macAddress: type: string description: Source VM MAC address. isprimaryNic: type: boolean description: Whether it is primary NIC. srcNetworkId: type: string description: Source network ID. srcNetworkType: type: string description: Source network type. destNetworkId: type: string description: Destination network ID. destNetworkType: type: string description: Destination network type. connected: type: boolean description: Is connected. progress: type: object description: Virtual machine migration progress details. properties: startTime: type: number description: Migration start time. endTime: type: number description: Migration end time. message: type: string description: Migration progress message. draftState: type: string description: Migration draft status. isRescheduleAllowed: type: boolean description: Indicates whether reschedule is allowed. isCancelled: type: integer description: Indicates whether the migration is cancelled. isDone: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the migration is done. didFail: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the migration failed. total: type: string description: Migration progress accumulated values. properties: count: type: integer description: Total number of migrations value: type: number description: Total bytes of migrations. bytesTransferred: type: integer description: Total bytes transferred. error: type: object description: Error details properties: count: type: integer description: Number of migrations with errors. value: type: number description: Total bytes of migrations. message: type: string description: Migration error message. transfer: type: object description: Migration transfer details. properties: count: type: integer description: Count of transfers. value: type: integer description: Migration transfer value. startTime: type: number description: Transfer start time. endTime: type: integer description: Transfer end time. progressCount: type: integer description: Transfer progress count. progress: type: integer description: Transfer progress. completedCount: type: integer description: Transfer completed count. completed: type: integer description: Transfer completed. abortedCount: type: integer description: Transfer cancelled count. aborted: type: number description: Transfer cancelled. parkedCount: type: integer description: Transfer parked count. parked: type: integer description: Transfer parked. errorCount: type: integer description: Transfer error count. error: type: integer description: Transfer error. switchover: type: object description: Migration switchover details. properties: count: type: integer description: Switchover count. value: type: integer description: Switchover value. endTime: type: integer description: Switchover end time. progressCount: type: integer description: Switchover progress count. progress: type: integer description: Switchover progress. completedCount: type: integer description: Switchover completed count. completed: type: integer description: Switchover completed. abortedCount: type: integer description: Switchover cancelled count. aborted: type: number description: Switchover cancelled. parkedCount: type: integer description: Switchover parked count. parked: type: integer description: Switchover parked. errorCount: type: integer description: Switchover error count. error: type: integer description: Swirchover error. waitingCount: type: integer description: Switchover waiting count. waiting: type: integer description: Switchover waiting. parked: type: object description: Migration parked details. properties: count: type: integer description: Migraiton parked count. value: type: integer description: Migration parked value. aborted: type: object description: Migration cancelled details. properties: count: type: integer description: Migration cancelled count. value: type: number description: Migration cancelled value. state: type: object description: Migration status information. properties: statusType: type: string description: Migration properties. rowType: type: string description: Migration row type. status: type: string description: Migration status. errorsOccurred: type: boolean description: Migration errors occurred. message: type: string description: Message. errorMessage: type: string description: Error message. lastUpdated: type: string description: Migration last updated. isRescheduleAllowed: type: boolean description: Whether reschedule is allowed. isError: type: integer description: Whether there is an error. isTransferError: type: integer description: Whether there is a transfer error. isTransfer: type: integer description: Whether there is a transfer. isSwitchoverError: type: integer description: Whether there is a switchover error. isTransferProgress: type: integer description: Whether there is a transfer progress. isTransferCompleted: type: integer description: Whether transfer completed. isTransferParked: type: integer description: Whether transfer parked. isSwitchoverCompleted: type: integer description: Whether switchover completed. isSwitchoverProgress: type: integer description: Whether there is switchover progress. isSwitchover: type: integer description: Whether there is a switchover. isParked: type: integer description: Whether migration parked. isSwitchoverParked: type: integer description: Whether switchover parked. isTransferAborted: type: integer description: Whether transfer cancelled. isSwitchoverAborted: type: integer description: Whether switchover cancelled. isAborted: type: integer description: Whether migration cancelled. isWaitingForMaintWindow: type: integer description: Whether waiting for maintenance window. isDone: type: boolean description: Whether migration is done. isVMotionBaseSyncInProgress: type: boolean description: Whether vMotion base sync is in progress. isSwitchoverStarted: type: integer description: Whether switchover started. log: type: array description: Migration running log information items: type: object properties: statusType: type: string description: Status type. rowType: type: string description: Row type. status: type: string description: Status. errorsOccurred: type: boolean description: Error occurred. message: type: string description: Message. errorMessage: type: string description: Error message. lastUpdated: type: string description: Last updated. bytesTransferred: type: integer description: Bytes transferred. totalBytes: type: number description: Total bytes. isDeleted: type: boolean description: Whether migration is deleted. isArchived: type: boolean description: Whether migration record is archived. migrationTypeLabel: type: string description: Migration type label. errorResponse: properties: errors: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' type: array type: object error: properties: code: type: string message: type: string type: object securitySchemes: x-hm-authorization: description: Obtained from /hybridity/api/session in: header name: x-hm-authorization type: apiKey