Message File Content

Message files provide localized text for certain attribute values in Task and Event objects.

Each file in a localization bundle can include an arbitrary number of lines. Each line must have the following form, where key is any of the values that the service might assign to one of its service-specific Task or Event elements and value is the localized string to display.
The value string can contain parameters that provide the resourceId, resourceName, and resourceType of the subject of the Task or Event.
The following restrictions apply to each message file in a localization bundle:
  • File contents must be encoded in the UTF-8 character set.
  • key length cannot exceed 2000 UTF-8 characters.
  • value length cannot exceed 2000 UTF-8 characters.
  • File size cannot exceed 10MB.
  • File name must be the locale code for the language used in the value strings. For example, the file containing English text must be named en_US. The file containing French text must be named fr_FR.
Whenever a localizable attribute appears in a log message, VMware Cloud Director takes the following steps to find text to display:
  1. If the service has a localization bundle, open the file in that bundle whose name corresponds to the current client locale and display the value as it appears in the file.
  2. If the service has a localization bundle but no file exists in that bundle whose name corresponds to the current client locale, open the file in that bundle named en_US and display the value as it appears in the file. The default locale for VMware Cloud Director is en_US.
  3. Otherwise, display a predefined string.
A Task or Event that a service posts can also include a passthrough key=value pair that is always displayed as posted by the service, regardless of the current client locale or the presence or absence of a localization bundle.

Message File Keys and Parameters

Message file contents (key=value pairs) apply to all Task and Event objects that the service creates. If a Task and an Event both use the same key, the same message appears for both.

Table 1. Localization Keys for Service-Specific Tasks
Attribute Values Matched for key Available Parameters
The value of the id attribute of the Owner of the Task.
The value of the name attribute of the Owner of the Task.
The value of the type attribute of the Owner of the Task.
Owner:type None
serviceNamespace None
operation (passthrough) None

To create a message that appears only when a Task has status="running", append the string _PROGRESS to the key.

Table 2. Localization Keys for Service-Specific Events
Attribute Values Matched for key Available Parameters
The value of the id attribute of the Owner of the Event.
The value of the name attribute of the Owner of the Event.
The value of the type attribute of the Owner of the Event.
Owner:type None
serviceNamespace None
typeFull (passthrough) None

To create a message that appears only for a failed Event (one where success="false"), prepend the string FAILED. to the key.

Example Message File Content

The following lines are appropriate in the en_US message file for a service that meets the following conditions:
  • Its Namespace is registered as org.example.vcd.backup.
  • It defined a Task whose operationName attribute can have a value of backupInProgress.
  • It defined an Event whose type attribute can have a value of backupComplete.
org.example.vcd.backup=vCloud Backup Service
backupInProgress=Backup in progress for ${resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id: {resourceId}
backupInProgress_PROGRESS=Backup in progress for ${resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id: {resourceId}
backupComplete=Backup complete for entity {resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id: {resourceId}
FAILED.backupComplete=Backup failed for entity {resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id: {resourceId}
If the localization bundle for this service contained a file named fr_FR that included the following line, the Task posted in Add a Task to an Organization's Tasks List returns this localized value for the operationName attribute when the client locale is set to fr_FR. The passthrough value for operation is not localized.
backupInProgress_PROGRESS=Sauvegarde en cours pour entity {resourceName} ({resourceType}) avec id: {resourceId}
200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
   operation="Backup in progress for virtual machine with id 7b91b053-2b..."
   operationName="Sauvegarde en cours pour entity Finance (application/ avec id 26 "
   ... >