Create a VMware Cloud Director API Session
The VMware Cloud Director API login mechanism authenticates a user and creates a Session object that contains the URLs from which that user can begin browsing objects in an organization. Users must submit their credentials in the form required by the identity provider that their organization specifies.
The VMware Cloud Director API does not have a login request. To begin using the API, you request the system to create a Session object, supplying your credentials in an Authorization header of the form prescribed by the identity provider that your organization uses. The response includes a JSON Web Token (JWT), as defined in RFC 7519, and a Session element whose Link elements reference the VMware Cloud Director API objects to which you have access rights.
- OAuth authentication, as defined in RFC 6749. Users defined in an OAuth identity provider must acquire an OAuth token from that identity provider and include it in the request to create a VMware Cloud Director API Session.
- SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) authentication, as defined in RFC 6595. Users defined in a SAML identity provider must acquire and process a security assertion from that identity provider and include the processed assertion and other attributes in the request to create a VMware Cloud Director API Session.
- Basic HTTP authentication, as specified in RFC 2617. LDAP users and local users are defined by the VMware Cloud Director integrated identity provider, and must include credentials in the form required by Basic HTTP authentication in the request to create a VMware Cloud Director API Session.
Regardless of the authentication protocol your organization uses, the JWT token returned with a Session object is supported for use in the Authorization header of all requests, and is required for requests that span associations of organizations or sites. See Configuring and Managing Multisite Deployments.
A Session object can be deleted by its owner or an administrator. After your Session expires or is deleted, you are not authenticated.
A Session object expires after a configurable interval of client inactivity. To change the length of this client inactivity timeout, a system administrator can change the value of SessionTimeoutMinutes in the system's GeneralSettings. See Retrieve or Update System Settings.
All requests to create a login session include a similar set of steps.