Update Multiple Sections of a Virtual Machine

You can make a single request that updates the name, Description, and any or all of the VirtualHardwareSection, OperatingSystemSection, NetworkConnectionSection, GuestCustomizationSection elements of a virtual machine.

Every Vm element contains a link to a reconfigureVm operation that you can use to update the name, Description, and multiple sections in a single operation. Sections that you omit from the request body are not updated.


This operation requires the rights included in the predefined vApp Author role or an equivalent set of rights.


  1. Retrieve the Vm element that you want to update.
  2. Modify the retrieved Vm element.
    Modifications can include the name, Description, and any or all of the VirtualHardwareSection, OperatingSystemSection, NetworkConnectionSection, GuestCustomizationSection elements of the Vm.

    Request bodies must contain all required elements and attributes, even if you are not changing their values. Because optional elements and attributes typically revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to include optional elements in request bodies that modify existing objects. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes are read-only and cannot be modified. See the schema reference for details.

  3. Use the modified Vm as the body of a reconfigureVm request.


The modified Vm replaces the contents of the retrieved Vm. For some section types, modifications take effect immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.

Example: Update Multiple Sections of a Virtual Machine

This example uses the reconfigureVm operation to accomplish the updates shown in Update a NetworkConnectionSection and Modify the Guest Customization Section of a Virtual Machine in a single operation. It also updates the independent disk attached to this virtual machine in a way similar to the operation shown in Update an Independent Disk

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/action/reconfigureVm
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Vm ...>
      <ovf:Info>Firewall allows access to this address.</ovf:Info>
      <NetworkConnection network="vAppNetwork">
      <ovf:Info>Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings</ovf:Info>
      <DomainName />
      <DomainUserName />
      <DomainUserPassword />
      <AdminPassword />
      <CustomizationScript />
      <ovf:Info>Virtual hardware requirements</ovf:Info>
            vcloud:disk="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128" />
202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
   operation="Updating Virtual Application Win2K3 (4)"