Gateway DHCP Service Configurations
An Edge Gateway configuration can define a DHCP service that assigns IP addresses to clients on organization VDC networks. You can configure multiple address pools, each of which defines a range of IP addresses that are reserved for a specific network.
DHCP services for organization VDC networks are provided by the Edge Gateway to which those network connect. An EdgeGateway can contain an more GatewayDhcpService element. The service can define a pool of IP addresses for each organization VDC connected to the Edge Gateway.
Gateway DHCP Service
The following fragment of an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration defines and enables a GatewayDhcpService that defines two Pool objects, each of which allocates a range of IP addresses for a single organization VDC network.
<GatewayDhcpService> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <Pool> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <Network type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.orgVdcNetwork+xml" href="" /> <DefaultLeaseTime>3600</DefaultLeaseTime> <MaxLeaseTime>7200</MaxLeaseTime> <LowIpAddress></LowIpAddress> <HighIpAddress></HighIpAddress> </Pool> <Pool> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <Network type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.orgVdcNetwork+xml" href="" /> <DefaultLeaseTime>3600</DefaultLeaseTime> <MaxLeaseTime>7200</MaxLeaseTime> <LowIpAddress></LowIpAddress> <HighIpAddress></HighIpAddress> </Pool> </GatewayDhcpService>
To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See Configure Services on an Edge Gateway.