Retrieve or Update Organization Settings

Organization settings define organization policies such as default lease settings for vApps and how incorrect login attempts are handled. They also configure how the organization uses services such as email, LDAP, and identity providers.

An AdminOrg element contains an OrgSettings element, which contains the following elements, each of which represents a group of related organization settings. Default settings are inherited from the system.

Specifies storage and deployment quotas and other behaviors for virtual machines that members of this organization own. Sets the scope of catalog publication and subscription in this organization.
Controls storage and deployment leases for vApps.
Controls storage and deployment leases for vApp templates.
Defines whether this organization is connected to an LDAP service, and whether it uses the service defined in the system LdapSettings or a custom LDAP service. See Configuring and Managing Federation with LDAP.
Defines the OAuth identity provider used by this organization. See Configuring and Managing Federation with OAuthConfiguring and Managing Federation with OAuth.
Defines whether this organization uses the email service defined in the system EmailSettings or a custom email service.
Specifies policies to be followed when a user in this organization enters an incorrect password. Initial values are inherited from the system PasswordPolicySettings.
Specifies limits to be placed on simultaneous resource-intensive operations and console sessions for members of this organization.
Default values for GuestCustomizationSection elements in virtual machines created by this organization. See Retrieve or Modify the GuestCustomizationSection of a Virtual Machine
Settings related to any SAML identity provider that this organization shares with other applications or enterprises to enable single sign-on. See Configuring and Managing Federation with SAML.


This operation requires the rights included in the predefined Organization Administrator role or an equivalent set of rights.


  1. Retrieve the list of organization settings elements.
    Use a request like this one:
    The response is an OrgSettings element.
  2. Examine the OrgSettings element to find the links to the sections to view or modify.
    Each section is represented in the OrgSettings element with a link where rel="down". You can use that link to retrieve the section. The retrieved section includes a link where rel="edit". You can use that link as the target of a PUT request that modifies the settings that the element represents. The OrgSettings element itself also has a rel="edit" link, which you can use to update multiple settings sections in one request.
  3. Retrieve the settings element to modify.
    Make a GET request to the URL in the element's href attribute value.
  4. Modify the retrieved settings element.

    Request bodies must contain all required elements and attributes, even if you are not changing their values. Because optional elements and attributes typically revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to include optional elements in request bodies that modify existing objects. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes are read-only and cannot be modified. See the schema reference for details.

  5. Update the settings with your modifications.
    Find the Link element in the settings element where rel="edit". Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section as the request body. See the request portion of Update Organization General Settings.

Example: Update Organization General Settings

This example updates the general settings of the organization created in Create an Organization. When you create or retrieve an AdminOrg, these settings are contained in the OrgGeneralSettings element. To update them, you must use a GeneralOrgSettings element, which has the same contents as OrgGeneralSettings. This update changes the limits on deployed and stored virtual machines. The request includes all members of the GeneralOrgSettings element, even those that are not changing. It is a best practice to include all members of the GeneralOrgSettings element in an update request. Optional elements that are missing or empty in the request are reset to their default values.

Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationGeneralSettings+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The response contains information extracted from the request, and includes a rel="edit" link and other attributes that the server creates.

200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationGeneralSettings+xml
      href="" />

When you retrieve the organization after updating its GeneralOrgSettings, you can see the results of the update in the OrgGeneralSettings element of the AdminOrg.

<AdminOrg ...>
            href="" />