Import a User or Group from a SAML Identity Provider
If your organization defines a SAML identity provider in its OrgFederationSettings, you must import users individually or as members of groups from the identity provider before they can log in to the organization.
Unlike imports from an LDAP service, imports from a SAML identity provider do not import information from an external database. Instead, the operation creates a mapping between a user or group name in your organization's database and a user or group name that your organization's SAML provider defines. The VMware Cloud Director database stores these mappings, but does not store data retrieved from the SAML provider.
you import a user from a SAML identity provider, you must include the domain
name, such as
[email protected]
. When you import a group from a SAML
identity provider, you must use its fully distinguished name.
- If the SAML token includes an attribute matching the value of the UserNameAttributeName element or an attribute named UserName, tries to match the value of that attribute to the value of the name attribute of the User. If the SAML token does not include such an attribute, tries to match the value of the NameId element to the value of the name attribute of the User.
- If the SAML token includes an attribute matching the value of GroupNameAttributeName or an attribute named Groups, assumes that the value of that attribute is a list of group names, and tries to match each value in the list to the value of the name attribute of a Group in the organization. If the SAML token does not include such an attribute, assumes that the user is not a member of any group.
This operation requires the rights included in the predefined Organization Administrator role or an equivalent set of rights.
- Verify that your organization has defined a SAML identity provider in its OrgFederationSettings. See Configuring and Managing Federation with SAML.
Example: Import a User from a SAML Identity Provider
This example imports a user from the SAML identity provider that the organization defines. This example is identical to the one shown in Import a User from an LDAP Database, but includes a ProviderType element that specifies the source as the organization's SAML identity provider. This example also omits the IsExternal element, which is required when importing from LDAP but is ignored when importing from SAML.
The response is a User element, most of which is not shown in the example. The response includes a link that an administrator can use to edit user metadata, and additional elements, such as IsDefaultCached and StoredVmQuota, inherited from organization defaults. It also includes a NameInSource element, which contains the user's name in the encoding that the identity provider uses.
POST Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml ... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <User xmlns="" name="[email protected]" type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml"> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <ProviderType>SAML</ProviderType> <Role href="" /> </User>
201 Created Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml ... <User xmlns="" name="[email protected]" id="urn:vcloud:user:85" type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml" href=""> <Link rel="edit" type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml" href="" /> <FullName>Imported User Full Name</FullName> <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <ProviderType>SAML</ProviderType> <NameInSource>\F4\D3\42\8E\6A\BC\D3</NameInSource> <IsAlertEnabled>false</IsAlertEnabled> <IsDefaultCached>false</IsDefaultCached> <StoredVmQuota>0</StoredVmQuota> <DeployedVmQuota>0</DeployedVmQuota> <Role type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.role+xml" name="vApp Author" href="" /> <GroupReferences /> </User>