Common VMware Cloud Director API Attributes
Most VMware Cloud Director API objects have a number of common attributes. With the exception of name, none of these attributes are required in request bodies, and are ignored if included. All of them are included in response bodies.
Object Name
Every object requires a name attribute. The string value of this attribute is included in all object references, and can be used as the display name for the object. The value of name must be unique within a given scope.
Object Type | Name Scope |
ProviderVdc | Cloud |
Org | Cloud |
Vdc | Organization |
Catalog | Organization |
CatalogItem | Catalog |
vAppTemplate | None |
vApp | Organization |
Vm | vApp |
Media | Catalog |
Disk | None |
Network | Container (Organization VDC, vApp, or cloud) |
Object Identifier, Type, and Reference
These attributes are common to all object representations.
- id
- The object identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of the id attribute uniquely identifies the object, persists for the life of the object, and is never reused. The id attribute value is intended to provide a context-free identifier that can be used with the VMware Cloud Director API entityResolver (see Retrieve an Object as an Entity).
- type
- The object type, specified as a MIME content type.
- href
An object reference, expressed in URL format. This reference includes the object identifier portion of the id attribute value, and supplies additional information, including the current location of the object when accessed in a specific view. Although URLs have a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat each href as an opaque string. The rules that govern how the server constructs href strings might change in future releases.
Object Creation Status
Objects such as VAppTemplate, VApp, and Vm, that extend the ResourceEntity type have a status attribute whose value indicates the state of the object. In this table, YES indicates that a status value is allowed for the object listed in the column header. The status value for a VAppTemplate or VApp, which contain Vm objects that each have a status attribute of their own, is computed from the status of the contained objects. When returned in an XML representation, status has a numeric value. When returned by the query service, it has a string value.
Numeric Value | String Value | Description | vAppTemplate | vApp | Vm | Media |
-1 | FAILED_CREATION | The object could not be created. | YES | YES | YES | YES |
0 | UNRESOLVED | The object is unresolved. | YES | YES | YES | YES |
1 | RESOLVED | The object is resolved. | YES | YES | YES | YES |
2 | DEPLOYED | The object is deployed. | No | No | No | No |
3 | SUSPENDED | The object is suspended. | No | YES | YES | No |
4 | POWERED_ON | The object is powered on. | No | YES | YES | No |
5 | WAITING_FOR_INPUT | The object is waiting for user input. | No | YES | YES | No |
6 | UNKNOWN | The object is in an unknown state. | YES | YES | YES | No |
7 | UNRECOGNIZED | The object is in an unrecognized state. | YES | YES | YES | No |
8 | POWERED_OFF | The object is resolved and powered off. | YES | YES | YES | No |
9 | INCONSISTENT_STATE | The object is in an inconsistent state. | No | YES | YES | No |
10 | MIXED | Children do not all have the same status. | YES | YES | No | No |
11 | DESCRIPTOR_PENDING | Upload initiated, OVF descriptor pending. | YES | No | No | No |
12 | COPYING_CONTENTS | Upload initiated, copying contents. | YES | No | No | No |
13 | DISK_CONTENTS_PENDING | Upload initiated , disk contents pending. | YES | No | No | No |
14 | QUARANTINED | Upload has been quarantined. | YES | No | No | No |
15 | QUARANTINE_EXPIRED | Upload quarantine period has expired. | YES | No | No | No |
16 | REJECTED | Upload has been rejected. | YES | No | No | No |
17 | TRANSFER_TIMEOUT | Upload transfer session timed out. | YES | No | No | YES |
18 | VAPP_UNDEPLOYED | The vApp is resolved and undeployed. | YES | No | No | No |
19 | VAPP_PARTIALLY_DEPLOYED | The vApp is resolved and partially deployed. | YES | No | No | No |
VDC objects have their own set of status values and mappings.
Numeric Value | String Value | Description |
-1 | FAILED_CREATION | The VDC could not be created. |
0 | NOT_READY | The VDC is not ready for use |
1 | READY | The VDC Is ready for use |
2 | UNKNOWN | The VDC status could not be retrieved |
3 | UNRECOGNIZED | The VDC status cannot be mapped to a known state. |