Static Routing Service Configurations

An Edge Gateway or routed vApp network configuration can define a static routing service that specifies one or more static routes.

You can create static routes between two organization VDC networks, or between routed vApp networks that do not have overlapping IP address spaces. Static routing service details and routes are defined in a StaticRoutingService element contained by the Features element of a vApp network's Configuration or the GatewayFeatures element of an Edge Gateway's Configuration. A StaticRoutingService element can contain zero or more StaticRoute elements. Each StaticRoute specification requires the following elements.

Name for the route.
Network specification in CIDR notation.
IP address of the next hop on the route. This address is typically the value in the ExternalIp element of the RouterInfo from the network to which this static route connects.
Specify internal if NextHopIp contains an IP address in the same network. Specify external if NextHopIp contains an IP address in a different network.
Used when configuring a static route in an organization VDC network. Contains a reference to the organization VDC network for which the static route is configured.

Static Routes Between Organization VDC Networks

Assume two routed organization VDC networks, as defined in this fragment of an EdgeGateway element.

      href="" />
   <IpRanges />
      href="" />
   <IpRanges />
  • The organization VDC network named routed1 has Gateway address
  • The organization VDC network named routed2 has Gateway address
  • The Configuration of the vApp network in vApp1 has a RouterInfo element whose ExternalIp value is
  • The Configuration of the vApp network in vApp2 has a RouterInfo element whose ExternalIp value is

A StaticRoutingService defined by the following fragment creates a static route to vApp1 from network routed1, and a static route to vApp2 from network routed2.

         href="" />
         href="" />

To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See Configure Services on an Edge Gateway.

Static Routes Between vApp Networks

For an example of a static routing service in a vApp network, see Network Services in vApp Networks.