VMware Cloud Director API Custom Attributes

VMware Cloud Director API custom attributes extend several elements in the ovf and rasd XML namespaces. You can use these attributes to provide additional detail about virtual NIC and hard disk controller devices, or to specify the guest operating system type.

With the exception of osType, custom attributes are scoped to ovf:Item elements based on the elements' RASD resource type. The osType attribute applies to the ovf:OperatingSystemSection element. All of the elements to which these custom attributes apply are contained in the VirtualHardwareSection of a Vm.

Table 1. VMware Cloud Director API Custom Attributes for OVF and RASD Elements
Element Name RASD Resource Type Attribute Name Attribute Type Description
rasd:Connection 10 (Network adapters) ipAddressingMode xs:string IP addressing mode to use for this connection. One of NONE, MANUAL, DHCP, POOL.
rasd:Connection 10 (Network adapters) ipAddress xs:string If ipAddressingMode="MANUAL", set the IP address here
rasd:Connection 10 (Network adapters) primaryNetworkConnection xs:boolean True if this is the primary network connection of the virtual machine
rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) capacity xs:string Hard disk capacity in megabytes. See Retrieve or Modify the Hard Disk Configuration of a Virtual Machine
rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) busType xs:string Bus type. One of:
  • 5 (IDE)
  • 6 (SCSI)
  • 20 (SATA)
rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) busSubType xs:string Hard disk controller type. One of:
  • buslogic
  • lsilogic
  • lsilogicsas
  • VirtualSCSI
  • vmware.sata.ahci

See Retrieve or Modify the Hard Disk Configuration of a Virtual Machine for valid combinations of busType and busSubType.

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) storageProfileOverrideVmDefault xs:boolean

If true, the storage profile specified in storageProfileHref is always used for this disk regardless of the value specified in the virtual machine's StorageProfile.


If false, any storage profile is specified in storageProfileHref is ignored and the disk is migrated to the storage specified in the virtual machine's StorageProfile.

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) storageProfileHref xs:string If storageProfileOverrideVmDefault is true, the value of storageProfileHref specifies the storage profile to use for this hard disk. The storage profile must be available in the VDC where this virtual machine is deployed.
rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) disk xs:string Read-only reference to an attached independent disk.
rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard disks) iops xs:int Requested I/O operations per second for this hard disk. See Specify Hard Disk IOPS.
ovf:OperatingSystemSection N/A osType xs:string Internal VMware identifier for the guest operating system. See Enum - VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier in the VMware vSphere API Reference documentation.

For more information about OVF and RASD (CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData) elements, see About OVF and About DMTF, CIM, and RASD.