New Rights in This Release

VMware Cloud Director 10.0 introduces new rights, which you might want to add to any existing global roles that you published to your tenants.

Right Description Default Role
Gateway Services: Configure ECMP Routing Allows you to configure ECMP routing on edge gateways. System administrator and Organization administrator
Gateway Services: Configure Edge Gateway DNS Allows you to configure the DNS settings on an edge gateway. System administrator, Organization administrator, Catalog Author, vApp Author, and vApp User, if the user has at least one of the Gateway Services: Configure rights.
Gateway Services: View Edge Gateway DNS Allows you to view the DNS settings on an edge gateway. System administrator, Organization administrator, Catalog Author, vApp Author, and vApp User, if the user has at least one of the Gateway Services: Configure rights.
Organization: View API Explorer Allows you to access the API Explorer endpoint. System administrator
SDDC: Manage Token

Allows you to create and delete your tokens.

System administrators must assign the right to any user by using proxies so that the users can renew their expired tokens.

System Administrator
SDDC: Manage Token All

Allows you to view and delete tokens of all users within your organization.

System administrators can assign the right to organization administrators so that they can revoke tokens of users in their organization.

System Administrator

For information about managing rights and roles, see the VMware Cloud Director Service Provider Admin Portal Guide.