Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog

Any request that creates a catalog can also specify a storage profile for the items in that catalog.

If you do not specify a CatalogStorageProfile when creating a catalog, the catalog is created on the default storage profile for the first VDC created in the organization. To create the catalog on a specific storage profile, retrieve the list of available storage profiles in your organization and specify one in the CatalogStorageProfiles element of the request.


  • This operation requires the rights included in the predefined Catalog Author role or an equivalent set of rights.

  • Verify that at least one VDC exists in your organization. You cannot create a catalog in an organization that has no VDCs.


  1. Find the list of storage profiles in your organization.
    Use a query like this one.
    The response is a list of references to all the storage profiles used by VDCs in your organization.
    <OrgVdcStorageProfileReferences ... >
          href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/59" />
          href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/84" />
    Note: If you are a system administrator, you must filter the response to show only those storage profiles in the organization where you are creating the catalog.
  2. Create an AdminCatalog element that includes a CatalogStorageProfiles element.
    You can include a single CatalogStorageProfile in the request. Only the type and href attributes are required. See the request portion of Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog.
  3. POST the AdminCatalog element to the organization's add URL for catalogs.
    See the request portion of Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog.


The server creates an empty catalog on the specified storage profile and returns its representation in the response. See the response portion of Create a Catalog.

Example: Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog

This example modifies the request shown in Create a Catalog to add a CatalogStorageProfiles element..

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/catalogs
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   name="Example Catalog">
   <Description>New Catalog for Example Org</Description>
         href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/59" />

The response is similar to the one shown in Create a Catalog, and includes a CatalogStorageProfiles element derived form the one that you specified in the request.

201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
   name="Example Catalog"

   <Description>New Catalog for Example Org</Description>
         href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/59" />