Task Operations

Task operation names represent the requests that you can configure as blocking tasks.

To configure a request type as a blocking task, place the operation name in an Operation element and add that element to the cloud's BlockingTaskOperations element. See Retrieve or Update Blocking Task Settings.
Note: These operation names also appear in the operationName attribute of the Task element that tracks the operation.
Table 1. Blocking Task Operations for vApp Tasks
Operation Name Description
vappAttachDisk Attach an independent disk to any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappCheckVmCompliance Check the storage profile compliance of a virtual machine.
vappConsolidateVm Consolidate the disks of any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappCreateSnapshot Create a snapshot for the vApp.
vappDeleteShadowVm Delete a shadow VM for any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappDeploy Deploy a vApp.
vappDetachDisk Detach an independent disk from any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappDiscardSuspendedState Discard the suspended state of any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappEjectCdFloppy Eject media from any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappInsertCdFloppy Insert media in any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappInstallTools Install VMware Tools on any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappMigrateVms Migrate the virtual machines in a vApp to a new host.
vappPowerOff Power-off a vApp.
vappRebootGuest Reboot any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappRelocateVm Relocate any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappRemoveAllSnapshots Remove all snapshots for this vApp.
vappReset Reset any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappResume Resume any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappRevertToCurrentSnapshot Revert the vApp to its current snapshot.
vappShutdownGuest Shut down any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappSuspend Suspend any virtual machine in a vApp.
vappUndeployPowerOff Undeploy any virtual machine in a vApp by powering it off.
vappUndeploySuspend Undeploy any virtual machine in a vApp by suspending it.
vappUpdateVm Modify one or more properties of a virtual machine.
vappUpgradeHwVersion Upgrade the hardware version of any virtual machine in a vApp.
reloadFromVc Reload certain properties of a virtual machine from the vCenter Server database.
Table 2. Blocking Task Operations for VDC Tasks
Operation Name Description
vdcCaptureTemplate Capture a vApp as a vApp template.
vdcComposeVapp Compose a vApp.
vdcCopyMedia Copy a media object.
vdcCopyTemplate Copy a vApp template.
vdcCopyVapp Clone a vApp.
vdcCreateDisk Create an independent disk.
vdcCreateVdc Create an organization VDC.
vdcDeleteDisk Delete an independent disk.
vdcDeleteMedia Delete a media object.
vdcDeleteTemplate Delete a vApp template.
vdcDeleteVapp Delete a vApp.
vdcDeleteVdc Delete an organization VDC.
vdcEnableDownload Enable a vApp template for download as OVF.
vdcInstantiateVapp Instantiate a vApp template.
vdcRecomposeVapp Recompose a vApp.
vdcRenameVdc Change the name or description of an existing VDC.
vdcUpdateDisk Update an independent disk.
vdcUpdateMedia Update one or more properties of a media object.
vdcUpdateStorageProfiles Update the storage profiles of a VDC.
vdcUpdateTemplate Update one or more properties of a vApp template.
vdcUpdateVapp Update any section of a vApp.
vdcUpdateVappNetworkSection Update the NetworkSection of a vApp.
vdcUpdateVdc Modify one or more properties of an organization VDC.
vdcUploadMedia Upload media.
vdcUploadOvfContents Upload other OVF package contents.
vdcUploadOvfDescriptor Upload an OVF descriptor.
Table 3. Blocking Task Operations for Network Tasks
Operation Name Description
networkConvertOrgVdcNetworkToSubInterface Convert an existing organization VDC network interface to a subinterface.
networkCreateExternalNetwork Create an external network.
networkCreateNetworkPool Create a network pool.
networkCreateOrgNetwork Create an organization network.
networkCreateOrgVdcNetwork Create an organization VDC network.
networkCreateVappNetwork Create a vApp network.
networkDelete Delete a network.
networkDeleteNetworkPool Delete a network pool.
networkMergeNetworkPools Merge network pools.
networkRepairNetworkPool Repair a network pool.
networkReset Reset any network.
networkResetOrgNetwork Reset an organization network.
networkResetOrgVdcNetwork Reset an organization VDC network.
networkSyncSyslogSettings Synchronize syslog settings for a network.
networkUpdateIpsecVpnTunnelStatus Update the status of a VPN tunnel.
networkUpdateNetwork Modify one or more properties of a network object.
networkUpdateNetworkPool Modify one or more properties of a VlanPoolType network pool object.
networkUpdateVlanPool Modify one or more properties of any network pool object.
networkGatewayFormFactorModify Modify the form factor of an Edge Gateway.
networkGatewayUpgradeNetworking Convert an Edge Gateway to Advanced Networking.
Table 4. Blocking Task Operations for System Tasks
Operation Name Description
systemForceDisconnectVimserver Force disconnection of a vCenter Server.
systemForceReconnectVimserver Force reconnection of a vCenter Server.
systemPurgeAllStrandedItems Purge all stranded items.
systemPurgeStrandedItem Purge a specific stranded item.
systemRefreshStorageProfiles Refresh vCenter Server storage profiles.
systemRefreshVimserver Refresh a vCenter Server.
systemRegisterLookupService Register with the vCenter Server lookup service.
systemRegisterVimserver Register a vCenter Server.
systemUnregisterLookupService Unregister with the vCenter Server lookup service.
systemUnregisterVimserver Unregister a vCenter Server.
systemUpdateAmqpCertificate Update the system AMQP certificate.
systemUpdateAmqpTruststore Update the system AMQP truststore.
systemUpdateLdapCertificate Update the system LDAP certificate.
systemUpdateLdapKeystore Update the system LDAP keystore.
systemUpdateVcTruststore Update the vCenter Server truststore.
systemUpdateVimserver Update a vCenter Server.
Table 5. Blocking Task Operations for Resource Creation Tasks
Operation Name Description
rclCreateProviderVdc Create a provider VDC.
rclDeleteProviderVdc Delete a provider VDC.
rclDisableHost Disable a host.
rclEnableHost Enable a host.
rclEnableVxlanForProviderVdc Enable a VXLAN pool associated with a new provider VDC.
rclMergePvdc Merge provider VDCs.
rclPrepareHost Prepare a host.
rclRedeployAllVms Redeploy all virtual machines on this host.
rclRepairHost Repair a host.
rclUnprepareHost Unprepare a host.
rclUpdateHost Update host operating system.
rclUpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles Update provider VDC storage profiles in this cluster.
rclUpdateResourcePoolSet Update resource pools in this cluster.
rclUpgradeHostAgent Upgrade the host agent on a host.
Table 6. Blocking Task Operations for Miscellaneous Tasks
Operation Name Description
commonPurgeDeletedItem Purge a deleted item.
importIntoExistingVapp Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server to an existing vApp.
importLocalizationResource Import external localization resources.
importMedia Import a media object from vSphere.
importSingletonTemplate Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server as a vApp template.
importSingletonVapp Import a virtual machine from vCenter Server as a vApp.
catalogDelete Delete a catalog.
catalogDeleteBacking Delete the files representing a catalog item.
catalogItemEnableDownload Enable a catalog item for download.
catalogSync Update a subscribed catalog item from its external source.
catalogSyncAll Update an externally subscribed catalog from its source.
metadataDelete Delete a metadata item.
metadataUpdate Update a metadata item.
orgUpdateLdapCertificate Update the SSL certificate for the system LDAP service.
orgUpdateLdapKeystore Update the SSL keystore for the system LDAP service.
orgDeleteOrg Delete an organization.